THIS MONTH'S PULP IT is written by Fran c is Kin g. H e is th e aut hor of twenty-e ight nove ls, the most recent of which, TI1 e N ick of Time, was lo nglisted for th e Hooker Prize in 2003.

CARO LI NE M OORE HEAD's mo s t recent book , Hu111011 Cargo: Joumeys a111ollg 1he Refugees, is publi sh ed by C hatto & Windus.

GREGOR DALLAS has just completed, with Poiso11ed Peace: 1945 - TI1 e War that Never Wa s Oohn Murray) , hi s trilogy on War and Peace in Europe, of which the first vo lume was 18 15: TI1 e Roads Io Wmerloo (Pimlico, 2000).

HA.zHI R TEIMOURIAN is a comm e ntator on Middle E as tern h istory and po liti cs. H e g r ew up in Kurdi s h western Iran .

RI CHAR D OVERY's acclaim e d The Dictators: Hiiier's Cemwll y, Sta li11 's Russia is publish ed by All en Lane.

BETKA ZAMOYSKA is the author of The 8ursto11 Rebellio11 , ab o m a sc hool strike - th e longes t strike in hi story - on th e eve of t h e Fi rst World W ar. At prese nt sh e is working on a coll ection of sh ort stori es and is in sea rch of a very ri c h publish er.

HAR.RY MOUNT is a leader writer fo r an East End paper, th e Daily Telegraph. H is memoir of his tim e as a failed barrister, My Brii f Career: 77le Trials i f a Young Lawyer, is just ou t in paperback.

FR.A NCIS B ECKETT's book about hi s fa th e r i s Th e Rebel Who Los/ Hi s Ca use: Th e Tragedy of J ohn Becketl MP (Alliso n and Busby, 1999).

LUCY TRENCH works in th e V&A and was o nce a textil e conservator.

J ONATHAN Mm.SKY is often a ni g ht person .








4 NI GEL ] ONES 177 6: America and Brit ain at War

David M cC ull o u g h

5 GR.EGOR D ALLAS Men of Hon our: Trafalgar and th e Making of th e English H ero Adam Nicolson 7 M Al<. Y EMMA B AXTER Med ici M oney Tim P ar ks 9 C HR ISTOP HER. SIN C LAIR- S TEVENSON Th e T error: C ivil

War in th e French R evo lutio11 D av id Andress 10 R oWLAND SMITH Th e Fa ll of the Roman Empr:re: A New

Hi story P e t e r H ea th e r

12 H ENR. IETTA GAR.NETT Quicksands: A Memoir Sy bille Bedford 14 WILLIAM PALMER. E E Cummings: A Biography C hri stopher

Sawye r-Lau <;:a nno 16 RI CHARD B osTON Th e Life and Adven tures of William

Cobbett Ri c h ard I n g r a m s 18 C AROL£ AN GlER Pint er in th e Theatre ! an Smith

19 CAR.OLINE M ooRE HEAD After D aybreak: Th e Lib eration of

Belsen, 1945 Ben Sh e ph a rd 21 RI CHA RD OVER.V Witn esses of War: C hildren's Li ves Under th e Naz is Ni c hola s Stargardt 23 T OM P ococK Singapore Burni11g: H ero ism a11d S11rrender in World War II Co lin Smith 24 FI<.ANK FAIRFIELD The Sinking cif th e 'Lancastria ': Britain 's Greatest

Maritime Disaster ar1d Churchill's Cover-up Jon athan Fenby

26 SIMON HEFFER. Willifred Wagner: A Life at the Hea rt cif Hitler's

Bayreuth Brigitte H am an n 28 FR.AN CIS BE CKETT Ha w- Ha w: Th e Tragedy of William and

Margaret j oyce Ni ge l Farndale 29 ALEXANDER WAUGH An Unrepentant EHglishman: Th e Life of

S P B Mais, Ambassador of th e Co untryside M aisie R obso n 30 B ETKA ZAMOYSKA N e// Gwynn: A Biograph y Charles B ea ucle rk 32 CHR IST O PH£1<. ONDAATJE Th e S erpent and th e Moon:

T wo Ri va ls for th e L ove of a R enaissance King H e r Ro ya l Hi g hn ess Prin cess Mi c ha e l of K e nt

33 NI CK SMITH Th e Khyb er Rifl es: Fro111 th e Briti sh Raj to AI

Qa eda Ju l es Stewart 34 H AZ HI R TEIMOURIAN Sons of th e Conq 11 erors: Th e Rise of th e

Turkic World Hu g h Pope


Editor: N AN Y SLADEK Acting Editor: ALA N RAFF ERTY Co11 rmiss iorring Editor: j EI<.E MY LEW IS

Editorial A ss istant: T OM FLEMING Contributing Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE

Business Ma11ager: SAI<.A H MAHAFFY A dvertising Manager: TERRY F1 EGA

Foundirtg Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Foundit'zg Father: AUBERON W AUG H

Cover illu st ration by Clrris Riddell

Iss ue t'lO. 322