J W M THOMPSON 01-tr Hidden Lives : Th e Everyday Diaries of a Forgo ll en Britain 1945- 1948 (Ed) Simon Garfield AN DREW BARROW Cease less T11mwi/: Diaries, 1988-1992 James Lees-Milne SHERIDAN M ORLEY ArgumeNts with Eng land: A M emoir Mi c h ae l B l akemore
CRI SP IN TI C KEL L Th e Ancestor 's T ale: A Pilgr image to th e Dawn of Life Richard Dawkin s A C GRAYLIN G A R easo n fo r Everything: Nat ural Se lec tion and th e Eng li sh llll agi11ation Marek Kohn H AZ HIR TE IMOURIA N H onse of B11 sh , H ouse of Saud C r aig Unger B RENDA M ADDOX Un ce rt ain Vi s io11 : Birt , Dyk e ar1d th e R eirw ent io11 of th e BBC Georgi n a Born In sid e Story Greg Dyk e SEBASTIAN SHAKE SPEARE A Land of G ho sts: Th e Braid ed Li ves of Peo pl e and til e Forest ill Far )11/ es tem Amaz onia David G Ca mpb e l l ALEXANDER WAU GH The Big H o11 se : T/1 e Story of a Col./l'ltry H ouse and it s Family C hri sto ph e r Simon Sykes TOM FLEMING Do wn and Dirty Pictures : Mira1nax, Sundar~ce and th e Rise of Indepe ndent Fillll Peter Biskind R OGER VLIT OS Parrot C ltlt11re : 011r 2, 500 - Y ear -Long Fa sci nation wi th t/1e World's l\llo s t Ta lkativ e Bi rd Bru ce Thoma s Boehrer WILLI AM PALMER Th e Hive: TI1 e Story of th e Honeybee and Us Bee Wilson
50 51 52 53 55 56
J O HN D uGDALE Th e Pl ot Agai 11 st America Philip Roth CAROL£ A NG lER Conversa tion s in B olz ano Sandor Marai FRAN C IS KIN G O ld Filth J ane Gardam P ETER STRAUS An Unfinished L ife M a rk Spragg M ADELE INE MIN SON Si x ty Lig hts Gail J ones C HRI STOP H ER H ART I'// Go to B ed at Noo 11 G e r ard W oo dward L UC Y B ERESFORD ON FIR ST NOVELS
56 58 60 62 37
R ICHARD OVERY's acclaimed The Dicta10 rs: H i1lcr's Ger111an y, Stalin's Rn ssia was p u b li s h ed in Jun e by Ali e n Lan e.
T oM PococK's most rece nt book , Stopping Napoleon: War and lntrig11e in th e Mediterranean , is pub li sh ed b y J ohn Murray.
SARA WHEELER's boo ks includ e the bestse llin g Terra i11cognita: Tra11els in Antarctica, and Cherry: A Biography cif Apsley C herry-Garrard. She is now w riting ab o ut an eq u ato rial regio n , to wa rn1 up.
AL EXANDER W AUGH's Fath ers and So ns: Th e A11robiography ~fa Fa111ily has just b ee n publish ed by H ead lin e.
ADAM S rSMAN is th e a uth or of Boswell's PreS11111pllrO IIS Task (2000) . H e is w riting a book abou t th e fii endship betwee n W ordsworth and Cole rid ge.
H AZH IR T EIMOURIAN is a comm enta t o r sp ec iali sin g in Midd le Eastern hi story and p o liti cs.
ALLA N M ASS IE i s th e a u thor of nin e tee n no ve ls, th e n1 os t rece nt of w hi c h , Ca lig lll a, is ava il ab l e fi-om Sceptre_
NIGELJONES's Tire War Walk: A j o11mey A lo11g the J¥estem Front has j ust been republished as a C.1SSell paperback.
BRENDA MADDOx's next book, Fre11d 's Wizard: Tire Story cif Enres1 j o11es, w ill be published by John Murray.
R. OGER VLITOS li ves w i thi n t h e Neolith ic ston e circl es at Avebu ry in Wi ltshi r e_ Wh e n h e is n o t c h asing prayin g druids o r Beaker Folk o ut of hi s front garden wi th an ebo n y staff su rmounted by a monkey's sk ull , he occ upi es himsel f w i th w ritin g and ph o tograph y. H e breeds battle palTOts.
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LITERARY REVIEW N ovember 2004