THIS MONTH'S PULPIT is writte n by Bryan Apple ya rd. His new book , Aliens: Why Th ey Are Here, w ill be published in March by Simon & Schuster.
R OGER SCRUTON i s a writer an d philosop he r. His The Wes t and th e R es t is published by Contin uum.
FRANCES WiLSON's books includ e l i terary Seductions and, most recently, The Co urtesau's R eveuge, ava ilabl e in paperba ck from Faber & Faber.
BRENDA MADDOx's next book, Freud's Wtzard: Tite Story i f Emest] ones, will be publish ed by J o hn Murray.
TOM STACEY's most recent book is Tribe: The Hidd en Hi story of th e Motmtaim of th e Moon.
R OB ERT N vE 's Th e Raiu and the C lass: 99 Poems, New & Selected w ill be publi s h e d by Gr ee n w i c h Exchange later this year. His no vels Mrs Shakespeare (Sou venir Press) and Th e LAte Mr Shakespeare (Aili so n & Busby) are available in p aperback .
DIANA ATHILL is th e auth o r of Stet and Yesterday Moming: A Very Euglish Ch ildhood, bo th pubhshed by Granta.
SUDHIR H AZAREES INGH's mo s t recent book, Tite Legettd of Napoleo11, was published by Granta in August.
D ONALD R AYF IELD 's Staliu aud His Hangmen: An Authoritative Portrait i f a Tyram a11d Those ~VIto Served Him was pubhshed in M arc h by Viking.
ADOLF Wooo was born and brought up in South Afri ca, and emi grated to Britain in 1950. H e was an edi to r at th e TLS from 1975 to 2002.
j AMES DELINGPOLE's Titinly Disguised Autobiog rap hy i s ava il a bl e In paperbac k from Picador.
4 SELINA HAST INGS Fathers ard Son s: The Autobiography of a Famil y Alexander Waugh
6SIMON HEFFER Th e Lrfe of Craham Creene , Volume Ill : 1955-1991 Norman Sherry DIANA A T HILL VS Pritch ett: A Working Life Jeremy Treglown 9 ALLAN MASS IE Betjeman : The Bonus of Laughter Bevis Hillier 11 R OB ER T NYE Will in th e World: How Shakespeare
Became Shakesp eare St e ph e n Greenblatt The A ge of Shak espeare Fra nk Kermod e 13 GEORDIE GREIG My Ear at Hi s H ea rt: R ea ding My Father
H a nif Kur e i s hi
14 J O HN HEMMIN G Empire Adrift: Th e Portt1g uese Court irr
Rio de Jan eiro , 1808-1821 Patri c k Wil cke n 16 RI CHARD HOPTON Stoppi ng apo leo n: War and Intrig ue in. th e Mediterran ean Tom Po coc k 18 NI GEL )ONES Th e Edwardian s Ra y Hattersley 19 PATRI CK WEST Th e Traniforrnation of Ireland 190Q-2000
Diannaid Ferriter 20 ToM STACEY Mimi and Toutou Go Forth: Th e Bi za rre
Battl e of Lak e Tanganyika Giles Fod e n
22 RAYM OND S EIT Z Frank/in and Winston : A Portrait of a
Fri en dsh ip ]on Meacha m 24 D ONALD R AYF IELD Stalin: A Biog raphy Robert Service 25 C AT HER INE PETERS Disra e/i: A Personal Hi s tory
Christopher Hibb e rt 27 FRAN CES WILSON H ero es : Saviours, Traitors and Sup erm en
Lucy Hu g h es- Hallett
29 CHARLES S AUMAREZ SMITH L eo nardo da Vinci: Th e
Flig hts of the Mind Charles Nicholl 31 j ONATHAN KEATES Lucrez ia Borg ia : Life, Love and D ea th in
Rertaissa rue Italy Sarah Bradford 32 ANNĀ£ SOMERSET Hawkwood: The Diabolica l Englishman Fran ces
Stonor Saunders 34 ADAM SI SMAN Th e Last English R evo luti onary : T om
Wintringham, 1898-1949 Hugh Purcell 36 ANDREW LY CETT Dirk Boga rd e : The Authorised
Bi og raphy John Coldstre a m
Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Deputy Editor: ALAN RAFFERTY Editorial Assistant: T oM FLEMI NG Contributing Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE
Busin ess Manager: ROBERT POSNER Advertising Manager: T ERRY FI NNEGAN
F01mding Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Founding Father: AUBERON W AUGH
Cover illustration by Chris Ridde/1
Iss ue no . 315