THIS MONTH'S PULPIT is written by Pete r J oncs, th e founder of Fri ends of C lassics. H e ha s revi se d E V R.i eu 's 1950 trans lation of Homer's Ili ad for P e nguin and w r i t t e n a comm entary on it (Du ckworrh) .
LIAM H UDSON gave the Tanner Lec tures a t Yale in 1997 on The Life of the fl!lind. Since, he has bee n wr i t ing a book , now nearly finished, about whether we can tell ourse lves t he truth about o u rse lves.
Cl-IANDAK SENGOOPTA is Sen ior Le ct ure r in Hi s tory of Medi c ine at Birkb ec k Co ll ege, University of London.
CAROLE ANG lER is the auth o r of j ea.t Rhys and, mo s t r ece ntl y, The Double Bottd, Primo Levi: A Biography (Penguin).
PETER WASHI NGTON is General Editor of Everyma n 's Library.
CAROLE SEYMOUR-J ONES's last book was Pai111ed Shadow: Th e Life of Viviettue Eliot, first wife of T S Eliot (Co nstabl e 2001 ), recently pub li shed in paperbac k in th e US by Ancho r Books, R ando m Ho use.
RI CHARD O VER Y is Pr ofesso r of Modern History at King's Coll ege, London. H is n ew book , Th e Dictators. a compariso n between the Hitl er and Stal in di cta torship , will be publish ed in Jun e by Alien Lan e .
ADAM L EB OR i s the Ce ntral Europe Corresponden t of Th e Times. His acclai m ed biography of Slobodan Mil osev ic is published in paperback by Bloomsbury.
AMANDA CRA IG's Lo ve in ldlettess w ill be pub lished in paperback by Abacus in J une.
4 6 ALLAN M ASS IE Catherin e de M edi ci Leoni e Fried a F RANCES SP ALDI NG Am~y: A L ife of A tm e Isab ella
Thack eray Rit chi e H e nri e t ta Garn e t t
8 PAM ELA N O RR IS Th e Bug atti Qu ee n: In S ea rc h of a
Motor -Racing Le end Mi randa Seymour 10 A NNE S OMERSET 'My H eart is My Own': The L i fe of
Mary Qu ee n. of Scots John Guy 11 CAROLE SEYMOUR-j ONES B eat ri ce's Spell : Th e Enduring
L ege nd of B ea tr ice C enci B e l ind a J ac k
13 CHARLES WH EE LER Frank/in D e/an.o Roose ve/t: C hatnp ion of Freedom Conrad Bl ac k That Man: An Insider's Port rait of Frat·tklin D Roo seve lt Rob e rt H J ac k so n 14 LIAM H UDSON ]ung : A Biog raph y Deirdre Bair 16 A NDREW LY CETT L ord C rome r: Victo rian I mperialist,
Edward ia n. Proconsu l Ro ger Owen 18 R UPER T C HR ISTIANSEN M end e/ss ohn.: A Life in Mu s ic
R L a rr y Todd 20 C HANDAK SEN GOOPTA Th e H erbalis t: icho/a s
Cu lp epp er, R ebel Phy sician Benjamin Wo o l l ey
21 AN WILSON Lit erary O ccasions : Essays VS Naipaul
22 P ETE R W ASH INGTON The Poems of Mari a nt~ e Moore (Ed)
Grace S c hul man 24 CAT HERIN E P ETERS Browning: A Pri vate Life I a in
Finlayso n
26 RI C HARD OVER Y H op e and Memory: R eflec ti ons on th e
Tw enti eth Centu ry Tzvetan Todo r ov 27 SIM ON H EFFER Dres den Fr e d er i c k Tay lor 29 PA UL J O HNSON Th e Confident H ope of a Miracl e: Th e
True Hi s tory of the Spani sh Armada Neil H anson
31 CAROLE A NG lER N in e Suitca ses Bela Z s olt 32 J W M TH O MPSO N Vixi: M emoirs of a Non- B e/ange r
Ri c hard Pipe s 33 A DAM LEBOR Madn ess Vis ibl e: A Mem.oir of War Janine di Giovanni 35 FRAN C IS KI NG Turn ed Towards th e Sun Mi c h ae l Burn
LITERARY REVIEW Feb ru ary 2004
Editor: N ANCY SLADE K Deputy Editor: CHA IU IE CAMPBELL Editoria l A ss ista11f: ALAN RAF FER.TY Get~ era l A ssista nt: SOPH IE SKAR.BEK-BOROWSKA
Cot~tributit-rg Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE
Busiuess Manager: R OllER.T P OSNER A d11ertising Ma11ager: T ER.RY FINNEGAN
Founding Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Founding Fath er: AUBERON W AUG H
Cover ilht stratiot'l by Cltris R idde/1
Iss ue no. 307