THIS MONTH'S PULPIT is written by Brya n Appl eya rd . H e is w ritin g a book abo ut ali ens.

WILLIAM R EEVE was the BB C Afghanistan correspondent fo r several years. He won an Ernmy award for his coverage of d1 e faU of Kabul in 2001.

KATHRY N H uGHEs's mo st r ece nt book, George Eliot: T11 e Last Victo rian (Fourth Estate), won the J ames Tait Black M emorial Prize . She is now working on a biography ofMrs Beeton.

GEORDIE G IU: IG is Editor of Tat/er. His Louis and the Pri11 ce : A Story of Politics , In trigue and R oyal Friendship is published in paperback by Coronet.

MICHAEL BuR LEIGH's most rece nt book , Tllf Third R ei eh : A New Hist ory, won the Samu e l Johnso n Prize for N o n-Fic tion.

VI CTOR IA GRIFFIN's Th e Mistress: Histories, Myth s and Interpretations '![ th e 'Oth er W o111 an' is avai labl e in paperback from Bloomsbury.

jAMES MORRISON is arts and media corres pondent for th e Independer"lt 011 Sunday.

WENDY HOLDEN's new novel, Azur Like It , a co mic romance in th e South of France, wi U be published by H eadlin e in September.

CHRISTOPHER SILVESTER, formerly a PnĀ·vate Eye political columnist, is th e editor of the excell ent Penguin Book '![ Hollywood, w hi ch, at 8 lbs, m ak es a substantial gift. When not sitting outside cafes in Portobello Road, he occupies h is tim e w ith b a llr oo m d a n c in g . H e is a n acco mpli sh e d croon er, in th e style of AI Bowlly, and is currently writing a hi story of postwar British hairdressing, Anything fo r the Weekend, Sir?









4 RI CHARD O VERY Stalin: Th e Court of th e R ed Tsar

Simon Sebag Montefiore 6 J ONATHAN MIRSKY Empire Mad e M e: An Eng li shman

Adrift in Shanghai Robert Bi cke rs 8 PETER WASHINGTON T obias Smol/ et t J eremy Lew i s

E lec tri c Shepherd: A Lik eness ofJ anus Hogg K a rl Miller 10 BRENDA MADDOX Kajka 's La st Lo ve: Th e My stery of

Dora Diamant Kathi Diamant 12 C HRI STOP HER SILV ESTER Newspapermen: Hugh Cud/ipp,

Cecil H armsworth King and th e G lory Days of Fl ee t Street Ruth Dudley Edwa rd s

14 MA X E GREMONT Storm of St ee l Ernst Ji.inger 15 DENNI S SEWELL Living Hi sto ry Hillary Rodham C linton

Th e C lint on Wars: An In si der's A cco unt of th e Wh it e Hou se Years Sidney Blumenthal

17 ALLAN MASS IE Capital of the Mind: H ow Edinburgh

Changed the World J ame s Bu c h a n 18 JESSI CA MA NN Th e Victorian Hou se: Dom es ti c Lifefro m

Chi ldbirth to D eathb ed Judith F l anders 20 GE ORD IE GREIG Th e Peop le's Ki ng: Th e Story of th e

Abdication of th e First Modem Monarch A Susan Willi ams 21 SIM ON H EFFER Eli z ab eth I David Lo a d es Mary , Q~t ee n of S co ts and th e Murd er of L ord Damley Alison W e ir S ix Wiv es : The Qu ee ns of H enry V IJJ D a vid Starkey 23 MI CHAEL BURLEI GH Our Shadowed Presen t: Modemism,

P ostmodern ism an d History Jon at h a n C lark 24 TIM HEA LD Fortress Malta : An Island under Si ege 1940-

1943 James Holland

26 WILLIAM B OYD Waug h Abroad: Co ll ected Trav el Writing

E ve l y n Waugh 27 WILLIAM REEVE The Bookse ll er of Kabu l Asn e Seierstad 28 ANNA R EID The T as te of Dreams : An Obsess iot7 with

Ru ss ia and Cav iar Vanora Bennett


32 ALEXANDE R WAUGH Piano Notes: Th e Hidden World of th e Piani st Charles Rosen 33 CHRI STO PHER BRAY The People's Music ! a n M ac Donald

Editor: NANCY SLADEK Deputy Editor: CHAR.LIE CAMPBELL Editoria l Assistant: ALAN RAFFERTY Contributing Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE

81.tS in ess Manager: R OBERT POSNER Advertising Manager: T ERRY FI NNEGAN

Founding Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Founding Father: AUBERON WAUGH

Cover illustration by Chris Ridde/1

Iss ue no. 302