JUNE 2003
48 48 50
51 52 52 53 54 55 56
56 57 58 59 60 62
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CHARLIE CAMPBELL Ch icken: Lov e for Sal e on th e Stre et s of Hollywood David Henry Sterry Bring ing Down the House Ben Mezrich
MI CHAEL PROWS£ Th e Age of Consent: A Manife s to for a New World Order George Monbiot HAZHIR TEIMOURIAN Th e Cri sis of Islam : Holy War and Unholy T error Bernard Lewis Infid els : Th e Conflict Between Christendom and Islam , 638-2002 Andrew Wheatcroft A C GRAYLING Our Final Century: Will th e Human Ra ce Surviv e the Tw enty-Firs t C entury? M a rtin Re es ROBERT CHANDLER Power and Glory: Jacob ean England and the Making of th e King J ames Bible Adam Nicolson THOMAS HOD GK IN SO N Int o th e Sil ent Land: Trav e ls in Neuropsycho logy Paul Broks ANDREW TAYLOR Krakatoa : Th e Day th e World Exploded Simon Winchester Fire Mountain Peter Morgan Volcano in Paradise Phi! Davison FRANCES SPALDIN G Th e Architect's Secret: Victo rian Critics and the Image of Gravity J Mordaunt C rook TIM HEALD Imprint of th e Raj : H ow Finge rprinting Wa s Born in Colonial I n dia Chandak Sengoopta ANN BARR The Story of My Fath e r Su e Mill e r
MIRANDA FRAN CE Loot N a din e Gordimer CHRISTOPHER HART Th e Voi ces Susan Elderkin FRANCIS KIN G The Stranger at the Pala zz o d'Oro Paul Theroux MADELEINE MI NSON No T elli ng Adam Thorpe MARTYN BEDFORD Finding Mys elf To by Litt SOPHIA TOPLEY One Day Arda shir Vakil GEORDIE GREIG Bunk e r 13 Aniruddha Bahal Lu c y BERESFORD What I Lo ve d Siri Hustvedt ALEXANDER BARLEY ON FIRST N OVELS SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE Th e Trag edy of th e Koro s ko Arthur Conan Doyle Loveless Lov e Luigi Pirandello SUSAN CROSLAND
SELINA HASTI NGS's l ife of Rosamond Lehmann w as published last year by C hatto & Windus. She is c urr e ntly wo rkin g on a l ife of Somerset Maugham.
PHILIP MAN SE L is author of Paris between Empires 1814-1852 (Orio n) . His lat est book, Prince of Europe: Th e Life of Charles-Jo seph de L(gne 1735-1814, i s publi s h e d by Weidenfeld & Ni colso n .
NORMAN STONE is Direc tor of the Turkish Ru ss ian In stitute, Bilke nt Uni versity, Ankara.
j ESS ICA MANN's mos t rece nt novel , Th e Voi ce from th e Grave , is publish ed by Constabl e .
DESMOND KI NG is Andrew W Mellon Professor of American Government at Oxford and autho r most recentl y of Makir~g Americmw Immigration, Race and the Diverse Democracy (Harvard) .
NIKOLAI TOLSTOY is working on a biography of his late stepfather, th e novelist Patrick O'Brian.
SIR PAUL GETTY K.BE (1932-2003) The news of Sir Paul Getty's dea th last month was received with grea t sadness by the Literary Review. His widespread philanthropy included many causes in th e literary field that he considered worthwhil e and some years ago, discreetly and anonymously, he gave tim ely encourage ment and very generous support to th e Literary R eview. His sup e rb gift to us th e n proved the turnin g point in our affairs and is th e fo undati on of th e present healthy state of th e magazin e. Only now is it possible to reco rd our great apprec ia t ion of Sir Paul 's ge nerous support . W e ex te nd o ur sin cerest sympathy to his widow, Lady Getty, and we shall rem ember Sir Paul with affection and lastin g gratitude.
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