THIS MONTH'S PULPIT is written by DJ Taylor, a novelist and biographer. His biography of Tha c keray was published in 1999 and his ce ntenary life of George Orwell will be publi shed in June by C hatto & Windus.
j OHN ADAM SON i s a Fellow of Peterhouse, Cam bridge. Hi s most recent book, The Princely Courts of Europe 1500-1750, is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson. His new book, Th e Noble Revoll, will com e o ut later in the year.
HAZHIR. T EIMOURIAN is a commentator spec i ali sing in the Middle East. H e is working on a life of Omar Khayyam.
ANNE SOMERSET is the author of Elizabeth I (Phoenix Press). Her new book , 17te Affair of the Poisous, se t in Louis X IV 's court, wi ll be published next year by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
R osm.T IRWIN's most recent books are Night a11d Horses and th e Desert : The Pwgui11 Anthology of C lassical Arabic Literatllre and th e novel Satan Wants Me.
j UST IN MAROZZ I is the author of South from Barbary: Alo11g th e Slave Routes of th e Libyan Sahara , th e story of a 1,200-mile desert expedition by camel. After bidding a fond fa rewe ll to hi s five camels, he re turned to Norfolk to write a histor y of Tamerlane for HarperCollins.
j OAN SMITH 's Moraliti es was published by Penguin las t year. She is curren tl y writing a thrill er se t in the Midcll e East and London.
j EREMY LEWIS's biography ofSmollett will be published later this year by Jonathan Cape. He is now working on a biography of Allen Lane.
4 J OHN ADAMSON Prince of Europ e: The Life of Charles
j oseph de Ligne, 1735-1814 Philip Manse! 6 SIMON HEFFER Eden: The Life and Times of Anthony
Ed en, First Earl of Avon, 1897-19 77 D R Thorpe 8 FRANK M c LYNN Th e Cradle King: A Life ofJanus VI
and I Alan Stewart 10 R OBERT IRWIN Persia in the Great Came: Sir Percy
Sykes, Explorer, Consul, Soldi er, Spy Antony Wynn 12 CHRISTOPHER 0NDAATJE Carnegie Peter Krass 13 CHRISTOPHER BRAY Motion St cidies: Time, Space and
Eadweard Muybridg e Rebecca So lnit 14 MARCUS BERKMANN Hit ch hik er: A Biography of Douglas
A dams M J Simpson
15 ANNE SOMERSET Eli z abeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals,
Qu ee ns Jane Dunn
16 PETER WASHINGTON Becoming )ane Austen: A Life ]on
Spencejan e Austen's 'Outlandi sh Cous in ': Th e Life and L etters of Eliz a de Feuillide Deirdre Le Faye 18 J ULIET BARKER Hannah More: The First Victorian Anne Stott 20 JE SS ICA MANN The journals of Mary Butts (Ed) Nathali e
Blond e ! Mary Butts: A B iography Nathalie Blond e ! 21 J OAN SMITH Tina Modotti: Between Art and R evo lution
Letizia Argenteri 22 CHARLIE CAMPBELL Madame Tus sa ud and th e Hi story of
Waxworks Pame la Pi lb eam
24 ANDREW BARROW Who Was Dr Charlotte Bach? Francis Wheen
25 MI CHAEL BURLEIGH The West ar~d the Rest:
G lobali z at ion and the Terrorist Threa t Roger Scruton 26 HA ZHIR TELMOURIAN The Cros s and the Crescent:
Christianity and Islam from Muhammad to the Refonnation Richard Fletcher
28 J USTIN MAROZ ZI Th e Sword and the Cross: The Conqu es t of tlu Sahara Fergu s Fl em ing Salwra: Th e Life of th e Great D ese rt Marq de Villiers a nd Shei la Hirtl e 30 AIDAN HARTLEY Emma's War: Love, Betrayal and D eath in the Sudan Deborah Scroggins 32 CHRISTOPHER Ross Du ende: A )oum ey in Search of
Flarnenco J ason Webster
Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Deputy Editor: CHARU E CAMPBELL General Assistant: ALAN RAFFER.TV C011t ributing Editor: SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE
Business 111/arwger: ROB ER.T POSNER Advertising Mattager: TERH.Y FINNEGAN
Fourtding Editor: DR ANNE SM ITH Founding Fath er: AUBERON W AUGH
Cover illustration by Chris Riddell
Iss ue no . 297