BRENDAMADDOX'Sbiography of Rosalind Franklin will be published in June by HarperCollins.
ROY PORTERis Professor of the Social History of Medicine at the Wellcome Institute, London.
KATHRYNHUGHESis currently writing a biography of Mrs Beeton f for Fourth Estate. Her attempts to serve Mock-turtle soup, followed by Boiled Tongue, to her fiiends have gone down particularly well.
ADAMSISMAN'Sacclaimed Boswell's Presumptuous Task has just been published in paperback by Penguin.
PAULJOHNSONis the author of A History ofthe American People.
WENDYHOLDENhas written three top-ten bestsellers (the latest being comedy-of-country manors, Pastures Nouveaux). Despite this, the most spectacular piece of jewellery she owns is a fake ruby collar with several stones missing.
CATHERINEPETERShas written biographies of Thackeray and Wilkie Collins, and, most recently, short lives of Dickens and Byron.
THOMASHODGKINSONisin Rome writing the find chapters of ~ L Sfirst novel. He will not say what it is about, but it is sure to be very good.
JOHNMURRAYhas almost finished his sixth novel,Jazz ee. (sic), which i s about modem jazz, aad jazz, genius, Portugal, Cumbria and Wo r d .
TIMHEALD'SA Peerage for Trade: A History o f the Royal Warrant will be published next month.
RACHELHORE,until recently, was a Senior Editorial Director at HarperCollins Publishers.
4 DANIELJOHNSONSpeer Joachim Fest 6 GEORGE WALDEN~ l a u b e r t :A L i f e Geoffrey Wall 7 BRENDAMADDOXGenes, Gir l s and G a m o w J D Watson 8 CHRISTOPHERBRAYBaby, I Don' t Care Lee Server
McQueen Christopher Sandford Brando Patricia Bosworth 10 THOMASHODGKINSONThree Queer L i v e s Paul Bailey
12 CLAUDIAFITZHERBERTTh e Mitford Gir l s Mary S Love11 14 KATIEHICKMANJosephine But l e r Jane Jordan 15 JESSICAM ANNGood W i v e s ? Margaret Forster 16 CATHERINEPETERSW o m e n A l o n e : Spinsters i n England
1 6 6 0 - 1 8 5 0 Bridget Hill
17 S IMONHEFFERRedcoat: T h e Br i t i s h Soldier i n t h e A g e of - -
Horse and Mu s k e t Richard Holmes 19 PAULJOHNSONT h e American R e v o l u t i o n : A People's
His t o r y Ray Raphael A F ew B l oody Noses: T h e American W a r of Independence Robe r t Harvey 20 RICHARDOVERYW a r i n I t a l y Field Marshal Lord
Carver 22 DONALDCAMERONWATT Churchill's W a r , V o l u m e I I :
T r i u m p h i n Ad v e r s i t y David Irving
PLEASURES OF LIFE 24 ROYPORTERT h e Pursuit of Ob l i v i o n : A Global H i s t o r y o f Narcotics 1 5 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 Richard Davenport-Hines 25 KATHRYNHUGHESFood: A His t o r y Felipe Fernindez-
Armesto Food Mania Nigel Garwood and Rainer Voigt Larousse Gastronomique 26 EMMAPARKER-BOWLESBack Fire: A Passion f o r Cars and Motoring Alan Clark 27 MARCUSBERKMANNTin t i n : T h e Comple t e Companion
Michael Farr
29 PETERWASHINGTONTh e Selected Letters of Tennessee
W i l l i a m s , V o l u m e I 1 9 2 0 - 1 9 4 5 (Edd) Albert J Devlin and Nancy Tischler 30 ALLANMASSIEFurther Requirements Philip Larkin 31 ADAMSISMANBoswell's Edinburgh Journals 1 7 6 7 - 1 7 8 6
(Ed) Hugh M Milne 32 SEBASTIANSHAKESPEARELetters f r om England Karel
Capek 34 ANDREWLYCETTT h e Ly t t e l t on Hart-Davis Letters 1 9 5 5
1 9 6 2 : A Selection (Ed) Roger Hudson
Editor: NANCYSLADEK Editorial Assistant: ROWANTOMLINSON General Assistant: CHARLIECAMPBELL Contributing Editor: SEBASTIANSHAKESPEARE Business G.Advertising Manager: ROBERTPOSNER
Classijed Sales: CHARLIECAMPBELL Founding Editor. DR ANNESMITH Founding Father: AUBERONWAUGH
Cover illustration by Chris Riddell
Issue no. 2 8 0