MAY 2001
36 37
RAY MONK Wittgen s tein 's Pok er: Tire Story of a T euMirllll e Argum ent between Two Great Plr i losop lr ers D av id Edmonds and J ohn Eidinow A C GRAYLING Kant M anfred Ku e hn jANE 0' GRADY Radi cal Eu lig luwurwt: Philo so phy and the Makiug of Mod emity 1650-17 50 Jon a than l I srae l
39 40
42 43
46 46
ANDREW ROB ER TS Dr johnsor1 's Wo111e11 Norma Clarke THOMAS H ODGK INSON Spirits of Pla ce : Fiv e Faur o11 s Li ves ill Th eir English Landscape J ane Brown FR ANCE WILSO H eroi11 es and Harlot s : Women at S ea 111 the Great A ge of Sail David Cordingly TIM WILSON C han 11 el Cro ss ing Seba s t ian Smith ANTH ONY STORR Revi11ing t ire M use: Es sa ys on Mu sic After Mod emism (Ed) P e t e r Davison Alfred Brende l orr Mu s ic A l fr ed Brendel j o ATHAN M IRSKY L ife Stori es: Profi lesfro m Th e New York er (E d ) David Remnick Wond elj11 / Tow11: New York Stories fro / I / Th e ew Y ork er (Ed ) David Remnick AN DREW T AY LOR Th e l s ia11d of L ost Maps Mi les Harvey W END Y HOLDEN H orne Cornforts: Th e Art and Science of K eepi11g Hou se C h eryl Mende lson J ESS ICA MANN ON SHORT B OOKS
49 50 51
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58
PAMELA NORRI S T he L eto B11nd /e Marina Warner FARR UK H OH NDY H otel Hono /u/11 Pau l Theroux SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE 011 Green Dolphin Stree t Sebastian Fau l ks MARTYN BEDFORD Landor 's To111e r l ain Sin c !air AAM ER H USSE IN By Th e ea Abdu l razak Gurn a h
AM LE ITH Ho111 T o B e Good Ni c k Hornby STEVEN POO LE Sputnik Swee th ea rt Haruki M u rakami CHR ISTO PHER H AI~T Soho Keith Waterhouse ANDREW B ISWE LL Glu e l rvine We ls h ELISA SEGRAVE j oh11 Dory J o h n M urray ANNA PA STERNA K Brok e11 Bodi es Sa ll y Emerson MAR CEL LA EDWARDS ON F IRST N OVELS
59 60 61
29 48
I AY M ONK i s Pr o fe sso r o f Phil oso ph y a t th e Uni ve r s i t y of Southampton a nd th e author of Ludw (~ Wirtgwsreiu: Th e Dury of Ceuius. H e is at present writing a book o n Wittge nste in 's Phil osop h y of Mathematics and a bi ograp hy of th e physicist R obert Oppenheimer.
J OHN GRIGG, gove rn o r of th e N e hru memorial trust, is completin g th e fourth vo l ume of hi s l ife of Ll oyd Geo rge.
CAROLE A NG IEI1. i s t h e R oya l Lit e r a r y Fund Fe ll ow a t the Uni ve r s i t y o f Warwi c k . She i s w ritin g a biography of Primo Lev i.
FRANK M CLY NN is co mpl e tin g hi s book on the American West w hil e fuming abo ut th e c lo sur e of t he English co untrysid e .
FELIPE FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO's lates t book, Civilizario us, is published b y Macmi ll an.
A ND IUW LY CETT is th e a uth o r (w i th the la t e D av id B lu ndy) of Qaddqfi aud rhe Libyau Revoluriou.
STEVEN POOLE's Tr(eger Happy: "l71 e l1111er Life of Videoga 111 es is availab le in paperback fro m Fourth Estate.
A NDREW R OHER TS's new book, 1 apo/eo 11 and I,Yel/ingrou, chartin g th e re lati o nship between the two m en , wi ll be pub li shed by W e id cnfeld & Nico lso n in September. He is now wo rkin g on a book about Topham Bea ucl e rk and 13 enn e t Lang t o n . If anyo n e h as a n y info rm a t ion on th em please co uld they e-ma il him at audre111@roberts-loudou.co111
PET ER J ONES, w ho founded and helps run Friends of Classics, is turn in g H erodotus into a one-man pl ay.
HRISTOP HER HART's seco nd nove l, Resa le Me, will be publish ed by Faber & Fabe r in J un e. He is especially proud to have had ero ti ca (pornography ') publish ed o n both sides of the Atlanti c.
Th e Literary R eview, i11 cmpora ti11g Quarto, is published 11/ontlrlyfronr: 44 Lexi11gto11 Street, Lo11do11 WIR 3LH Tel: 020 743 7 9392
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