THISMONTH'S PULPIT is written by PULPIT Simon Heffer. His many books f include biographies of Enoch Powell, Thomas Carlyle and Vaughan Williams. He is now resting between projects.


ALANPALMER'Smost recent book, Napoleon G Mark Louise, The Second Emprerr, is published by Constable.

SARAWHEELER'Stravel book about Chile, TraveIs in a Thin Country, is now in its eleventh printing. During the six months she spent in Chile she visited Juan Femindez, Selkrk's island, and spent a happy fortnight among the modemday Robinson Crusoes. Her biography of Apsley Cherry-Garrard, the author of 7he WontJourney in the W d ,will be published in November by Jonathan Cape.



MARTINVANDERWEYERis the author of Falling Eagle: The Decline o f i Barclays Bank (Phoenix 68 . 99 ) and f

Associate Editor of The Week.

PAMELANORRIS'SThe Story ofEve is f available from all good bookshops. She is working o n a history of romantic love.



ROBERTNYE'SMrs Shakespeare: The Complete Works (Souvenir Press) and The Late Mr Shakespeare (Allison & Busby) are both availablein paperback.

A C GRAYLING'Scollected 'Last Word' Guardian essays will be published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson in August as The Meaning o f Things.


THOMASHODGKINSON,until recently the valued Assistant Editor of Literary Review, is currently in Rome writing a novel. He will not say what it is about, but the research


involves dedicated negroni-drinking i and getting into fights with Welsh i - rugby supporters. He is advertising f for an Italian girlfriend.


GERALDBUTT is the author of The j Arabs: Myth and Reality.

4 ROBERTNYE Ungentle Shakespeare: Scenes f r om h i s L i f e

Katherine Duncan-Jones 5 JOHNGRIGGIndira: T h e L i f e of l nd i r a N e h r u G a n d h i

Katherine Frank 7 J W M THOMPSONSolly Z u c k e rman : A Scientist O u t of t he Ord i n a r y J ohn Peyton 8 JOHNDUGDALELouis: A L i f e of Robert L o u i s S t e v enson

Philip Callow 9 GERALDBUTTHenry S a l t : A r t i s t , Traveller, D i p l oma t ,

Egyptologist Deborah Manley and Peta Ree

10 MARTINVANDERWEYERT h e C i t y of L o n d o n V o l u m e

I V : A C l u b N o More 1 9 4 5 - 2 0 0 0 David Kynaston 11 BRYANAPPLEYARDMoralities: S e x , Mon e y and Power i n t he Twen t y - F i r s t C e n t u r y Joan Smith 12 DENNISSEWELLTh e Tr i a l of Henry Kissinger

Christopher Hitchens Unacknowledged Legislation: Writers i n t he Public Sphere Christopher Hitchens

15 SARAWHEELERSelkirk's I s land Diana Souhami

16 FRANKMCLYNNT h e E t e r na l Frontier Tim Flannery

18 ANDREWLYCETTSouth f r om Barbary Justin Marozzi

19 PATRICK0' CONNORJohn G : T h e Authorised Biography o f J o h n Gielgud Sheridan Morley 21 PETECLARKDown t he H i g h w a y : T h e L i f e of Bob D y l a n

Howard Sounes 22 KATHRYNHUGHESBeside Myse l f : A n Autobiography

Antony Sher

23 FELIPE FERNANDEZ-ARMESTOOrnamentalism: H o w t he

British S a w their Empire David Cannadine 25 ALANPALMERT h e F l ame of Freedom David Brewer 26 PETERJONESLate A n t i q u i t y : Empires and Successors A D

4 2 5 - 6 0 0 ( T h e Cambridge An c i e n t His t o r y V o l u m e X I V )

28 CAROLEANGIERSpeak Y o u A l s o Paul Steinberg 29 JEREMYLEWISWidower's House J ohn Bayley

31 ALLANMASSIELectures o n Shakespeare W H Auden 32 SIMONHEFFERBetween T w o Wor l d s : Essays 1 9 7 8 - 1 9 9 9

Richard Hoggart 33 GEORGEWALDENT h e Undiscovered C h e k h o v Anton



Editor NANCYSLADEK Editorial Assistant: ROWANTOMLINSON General Assistant: CHARLIECAMPBELL Business Advertising Manager: ROBERTPOSNER


Publisher NAIMATTALLAH Founding Editor: DR ANNESMITH Founding Father: AUBERONWAUGH

Cover illustration by Chris Riddell

Issue no. 275