K AREN ARMSTRONG, w h ose m agn um opu s Th e Battle fo r Go d: Fundam e11tali sm in ju dais m , C hri stian it y and Islam ca m e from H arperCo llins earlier in th e yea r , has a lso j ust publi sh ed Islam : A S hort Hi s tory in th e W e id e nfe ld & Ni co lso n 'Universal History ' series.
R ov STRO NG 's pa ss ion ate love of English ga rdens was rewarded by th e b ea utiful portrait of him by C hri s Ridd ell o n the cove r of th e August Literary R eview, ill ustra tin g Vi c tori a G le ndinning 's r eview of hi s Th e Arti st and th e Gard en (Y a l e Uni versity Press).
J ER.EMY LEWIS wo rk ed for Co llins, Andre Deutsch, A P Watt (th e li terary age nts) and OUP, and was for te n years a direc tor of C hatto.
MI RANDA SEYMOUR 's li fe o f M ary Sh e ll ey was publish ed in October. She has no immediate pl ans to w rite about fairies.
T iM MP.CKI NTOSH-SMITH has li ve d in Yemen for e ightee n years and is th e a uth or of Y emen: Travels iu Dict ionary Lan d, availabl e in paperb ack fro m J o hn Murray at £7.99. Hi s Tra vels with a Tangerine: A j oumey in th e Foo tnotes of Ib n Battutah will be published in April by J ohn Murray.
. FRANK MCLYNN's Villa and Zapa !a: A Biography of the Mexican R evo lution is published by Jonat han Cape.
JOHN LLOYD's book o n Russia, The Birth ofa Na tion, was published in 1998.
G IL ES FI TZ H ERBERT li ves in a Big H o use in Ireland.
D AV ID C.ESARAN I i s Professo r of Mod e rn J ew i sh Hi s t ory a t th e Uni vers ity of Sou thampton.
SALLY C LJ NE is w ritin g a biography o f Ze lda Fitzgerald , to be publi shed by J ohn Murray in 200 1.
KATHERINE KNORR is a deputy editor at th e lmematioual Herald Tribun e.
1 AUBERON W AUG H 4 B R VAN APPLE YARD L ette rs from Prison. M a rqui s de Sade 5 SIMON H EFFER Mozart's L et ters, Mo z art 's Life Ed
Rob er t Spaethling 6 SEBA ST IAN SHAKE SPE ARE Th e Raymon.d Chandler Pap ers:
S elec ted L ett ers and Non -Fiction. , 1909-1 959 Edd Tom Hin ey & F ra nk Ma cS h a n e 7 MI CK BROWN Fear and Loathing in Arnerica: Th e Brutal Odyssey of an O utlaw J ournalist 1968-197 6 Hunter S Thompson
9 KENNETH R osE A/ice: Princess Andrew of Greece Hugo Vi ckers
10 ANDREW LY CETT America's Qu ee n: The Life ofja cqu elin e
K enn edy Onass is Sarah Bradfor d Creek Fire: Th e L ove Affair of Maria Calla s and Aristotl e Onass is Ni c hol as G age 12 EDWINA CURR IE Mo Mow/am: The Biography Juli a Lang don 14 LYNN BARBER D ora Maar: With & Without Pi casso M a r y
Ann Caws 16 RH ODA KOENIG The jo sep hin e Bak er Story Ean Wood 17 PAT R IC K O'CONNOR]ea r~ Rhys R evisited Al ex i s Lykiard 18 j ULIE T BARKER Thoma s Gray: A Life Robert L M ac k 19 TOM H O LLAND Mervyn. Pea k e M a l col m Yorke 20 ALL AN MASS !£ Nero Ri c h ard Holl a nd 21 A NTHONY ST ORR Th e S ecret A rti st : A Clo se R eading of
S ig mund Freud L es l ey C hamb e rl a in 22 j ONA THAN R OMNEY Raym ond Rou sse l an.d the R epublic of Dream s M a rk Ford
24 A UBERON WAUGH 26 MIRA NDA SEYMOUR Troub leso me Things: A Hi s tor y of
Fairi es and Fairy Stories Di a n e Purkiss
27 DAVID PROFUMO O xford Dictionary of Phrase an.d Fabl e
Ed Elizabeth Knowle s 28 j EREMY LEWI S Th e Busin ess of Boo ks Andre S c hiffrin 30 M UR IEL SPARK 31 ANN E A PPLEBAUM Night of Ston e: D eat h and Memory it~
Ru ss ia Cat h er ine Merridal e 32 J OHN LL O YD Midnight Diari es Boris Yeltsin 34 A NNA R EID Through the Burni ng St epp e Elena Kozhin a 35 TIM MA C KINTOS H-SMITH 36 K AREN AR MSTRONG Th e Perfect H eresy: Th e Life and
D eat h of th e Cat hars Steph en O 'Shea Th e Y ell ow Cross: Th e Story of the Last Cathars 1290-1329 Ren e Weis 38 FRANK M CLYNN Roanoke : Solving th e My stery of
E ng land 's Lost Colony L ee Mill e r 39 DAVID CESARAN I Surviving Hitl er: C hoices, Corruption and
Compromise in the Third R eich Adam LeBor and Roger Boyes 40 J ESS ICA M ANN The Pa s t in Hidi ng M ar k Ro se m an T he
Avengers Ri c h Co h e n Ma sk erado: D ancing Around D ea th in Nazi Hung ary Tiv a d a r Soro s
Edi tor-in-Chiif: AUBERON WAUGH
Edito r: NANCY SLADEK Edito rial Assistant: THO~S H ODG KINSON
Genera l Assistant: SARAH WILLCOCKS Business & Advertising A1anager: R OBERT PosNE R
Classified Sa les: SARAH WI LLCOCKS
Publisher: N AIM ATTALLAH Founding Editor: DR ANNE SM ITH Cover illu stration by Chris Riddell
Issue no. 2701271
LITERARY REVIEW D ec 2000/ J an 2001