SARAHBRADFORDis the author of EIk* the bestselhg biography ofthe Queen, published by W i Heinemann in 1996. She has since been WO* on a biography of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, m be published thisautumn by V+. FEUPEFERNANDEZ-~WESTOisa member of the Faculty of Modem History of Oxford University and a Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. His new book, Civilizations, a study of the relationship between civilization and environment, will be published by Macmillan in the aununn. EDWINACURRIE'Sambitious novel The Ambassador is published in paperback on 20 June by Warner, at 45.99. She is currently working on another parliamentary novel, to appear in 2001. DAVIDPROFUMO'Snovel The Weather in Iceland is published in paperback by Picador. He is currently going native in the Scottish Highlands, whilst researching a study of fishing and literature. LINDAGRANT'Ssecond novel, When 1 lived in Modem Times, is shortlisted for the Orange Prize. DAVIDCESARANI,author of the 1998 biography of Arthur Koesder, 7be Restless Mind has taken a sabbaticd &m being Professor of Modem Jewish History at Southampton University m write a book on the legacy of the Holocaust. JANEGARDAMhas won the Heywood Hill Literary Prize, as well as being shortlisted for the Booker Prize and twice winner of Whitbread awards. H e r next novel, T h e F l i gh t of t he Maidens, which is set in the north of England in 1946, follows the growing up of three young women between school and university.
an extended visit to the house in Burgundy he and his wife have just bought h m the proceeds of his latest book, The Templars. This best-selling account of the medied religious hatics will be appearing in paperback from Phoenix in Satember.
4 EDWINACURRIEMargaret Thatcher, V o l u m e O n e : T h e
Grocer's Daughter J o h n C a m p b e l l 5 BELINDAJACK T h e L i f e of Marie d ' A g o u l t , alias Daniel
S t e r n P h y l l i s Stock-Morton 6 SARAHBRADFORDArtemisia: T h e S t o r y of a Bat t l e f o r
Greatness A l e x a n d r a L a p i e r r e 8 KATHRYNHUGHESA Passion f o r Performance: Sarah
S i d d o n s and her Portraitists ( E d ) Robyn A s l e s o n
9 HUMPHREYCARPENTERThe Letters of K i n g s l e y A m i s
( E d ) Zachary Leader 10 BRYANAPPLEYARDTh e Song o f t h e Earth Jonathan Bate
12 RICHARDGOTT V i l l a and Z a p a t a : A Biography of t h e
Mex i c a n R e v o l u t i o n Frank M c L y n n 14 ANDREWLYCETTSoldier Sahibs C h a r l e s Allen 15 PAULJOHNSON W h a t If?Mi l i t a r y His t o r i ans Imagine
W h a t M i g h t H a v e Been ( E d ) R o b e r t C o w l e y
Peter R u s s e l l 18 WILLIAMPACKERBen Nicholson: T h e Vicious Circles of
H i s L i f e and A r t S a r a h J a n e C h e c k l a n d 20 STEPHENGLOVERNorthcliffe: Press Baron i n Politics
1865-1922 J Lee Thompson 21 DAVIDPROFUMOLiberace: A n American B o y D a r d e n
A s b u r y Pyron 1 22 CLAWSVON BULOWTelling L i v e s : From W B Yeats to l
Bruce C h a t w i n ( E d ) Alistair Horne
24 ROBERTHARRISChurchill and Appeasement R A C P a r k e r
25 DAVIDCESARANITh e N a z i Terror: Gestapo, Jews and
Ord i n a r y Ge rmans Eric J o h n s o n 26 MARKMAZOWERDiary of a M a n i n Despair F r i e d r i c h
R e c k - M a l l e c z e w e n 28 PIERSPAULREADT h e Dea t h of J ean Moul i n : Biography of a G h o s t P a t r i c k M a r n h a m 30 JOHN GRIBBINHitler's Gift: Scientists W h o Fled N a z i
G e r m a n y Jean Medawar and David Pyke, Celia's Secret Michael Frayn and D a v i d Burke
31 ANNAREIDW h y Angels Fall: A J o u r n e y Through Orthodox
Europe f r om B y z a n t i u m to Kosovo V i c t o r i a C l a r k 32 JOHN CLAYAnglo-Australian A t t i t u d e s M i c h a e l D a v i e
Editor-in-Chie :ADERON WAUGH
Editor: 4ANCY SLADEK Editorial Assistant: THOMASHODGKINSON
Business Manager: ISABELBOOTHBY Advertisin Mana er: LOUISEHARRISON ~lass$ee$~ales:&OMAS HODCKINSON
Publisher: NAIMATTALLAH Foundin Editor: DRANNESMITH Cover flustration by Chris Riddell
Issue no. 264