31 ALEXANDER. WAUGH Tl1 e Spen cer Family C h a rl es Spen ce r 32 JA SPER GR IFFIN The Don s Noe l A n na n 33 ANDREW LY CETT T l1 e H oll an d Park Circle: Artists an.d

Victorian Society Caro l in e Dakers





RAY MONO CARR. The Ba squ e Hi s tory of th e World M ark Ku rlansky ANNA R EID In Search of Moby Dick : Ql-les t for th e W h it e Whal e T i m Sev e rin D M THOMA S G eorg ia : i n t he MouNtaiN s of Po etry Peter Nas m yth

42 SEBA ST IAN SHAKE SPEA RE Vert igo W G Se b a l d 42 j EAN A IT C HI SON Words and R nles : T he Ingre diwt s of

Language Steven Pinker 44 A C GRAYLING Darwin 's Wor111s Adam Phi l l i ps 46 D AV ID PR.OFUM O Th e Artificial Kingdom: A Treasury of the Kit sc h Experi ence Ce l es t e O l a l quiaga 47 PATR. IC K O 'CoNNOR. Conversations with Wilder

Cameron Crowe 48 ROBI N DE NN IST ON Th e Cod e Boo k S i mon Singh 50 RuPER. T ULOTH Scattered S hots M ax H astings 50 RI C HARI [ NGR.AMS Pete and Dnd: An lll ~l S trat ed

Biograp hy A l exa n der Games

51 MALCO LM ER.ADBURY ju t·leteenth Ra l p h E ll i so n 52 D J TAYLOR. Sh ip Fev er Andrea Barrett 53 SEBAST IAN SHAKE SPEARE On ce Upon th e Riv er Lov e

Andrei M akine 54 BR IAN P HI LLIP S As If I Am Not Th ere S l avenka Draku l ic 54 PAM E LA NORRI S Masqu e of t l1 e Ccm zagas Clare Colvin 55 TIM HEALD B lue at the Mi zze n Patri c k O 'Brian

56 58 59 60 61 62

Fla sh man aNd th e Tiger , and Other Extracts from T /1e Flashman Pap ers George Ma c Dona l d Fraser SU SAN CROSLAND ON PERSE PHONE B OO KS M IC HAEL THORN P HI LIP 0AKES SIOBHAN DOWD SU SAN CR.OSLAND

47 57

DAVID MArlQUAND is Prin cipal of M a nsfie ld Co l lege, Oxford. Th e second editio n ofhis Th e Progressive Dilemma has just been publis hed by Phoenix Giant at £9.99 .

BEN SHEPHA RD's hi story of military psyc hi atry, to be published by Jonarhan Ca p e in August, wi ll now be call ed A War cif Nen;es.

A NNE AP PLEBAUM is w ritin g a hi story of th e Gulag.

M ARK ALM OND is lectur e r in Modern History at Ori el College, Oxford.

LI AM H UDSON gave the Tann e r Lec tures at Yale in 199 7, and is now writing a b oo k about whether we can be autobiographi cal w i thout cheating.

A NDREW LY CETT's ac claim e d Rndyard Kipli11g is pub lish ed by Weide nfe ld & Ni co lson (£25).

KATIE HI CKMAN is th e a uth o r of Trip to the Light Fa11tastic (Flamingo). She is c urre ntly adaptin g h e r la st book, Daughters of Brit auuia: Th e Li11es & Tim es of Diplomatic Wives (H arperCollins), for a 20-parr radio se ri es w hi ch w ill go out in March.

DJ TAYLOR's biograp h y of W M Thackeray is published by Charro & Windus at £25 .

ALEXANDER W AUG H, who has spent some of his t ime as Opera Ctitic for th e Mail ou. Su11day and the Eve11it t~ Sta11dard, has w ritte n several boo ks on music, including Classical Music: A Neu1 Way cif Listeniug, tran slated into fourteen languages. H is latest book, Tiute (Headline £ 18 .99), has bee n hail ed by Patti ck Moore as a masterpi ece, and by Nicholas Feam , the Spectmor's reviewer, as an essential layman's key to the uni verse.

BEVIS H ILLIER , fom1 e rl y Editor of the Co n11 oisseu r, i s co mp leting th e au th or ise d bi og r a phy of John Be tj ema n .

Th e Literary Re11iew, incorporating Quarto , is published lllo tlfhly frolll: 44 Lexi11gto11Street, London w ·1R 3 LH Tel : 0171 437 9392

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LITERARY REVIEW D ec 1999/ J a n 2000