NICHOLAS H ENDERSON retired as ambassador to France after a distinguished diplomati c career in airo, W ashing t on, Athens , Vienna , Santiago, M adrid and Londo n , with ambassadors h ips also in Poland and Federal Gem1any. No sooner had he retired , th an h e was reappointed ambassador eo Washington . H e has written extensive ly o n histOry and con te mp orary subj ects, and published numerous sto ries and articles.

OLEG GORDIEV SKY sp ent e leven yea rs as a Secret Agent for British Inte lli gence working for rh e KGB. H e survives, somewhere in England, to te ll th e tale, and has written four books, rhree of th em in partners hip with Chriscopher Andrew.

KEN LIVINGSTO E, one-time leader of the G r ea ter London Co un c il , elected Labour MP for Brent East in I 987, writes regularly for Trib1111e and othe r publi ca tions , mostly on political subj ects .

ALLAN MASS IE has just published A11io 11y , a s tudy of the Roman adven tur er, M ark Anro n y, in his Roman se ri es wi rh Sceptre.

J OHN MURRAY's third novel, Radio Aaiviry, a sa tire o n Sellafield, is being filmed by Studio Arts for TV. They are also making an accompanying fi lm abo ut its aut h or. Both will appear rhis summer. Hi s first ever srory ap peared in rhe Lirerary Review, C hri stm as 1982. H e won the Dylan Thomas Award in 1988 and rhe Boden Sanskrit Pri ze in 1971.

FI>-ANCES SPALDING 's biograp hy of Duncan Grant was publi shed (Charco & Windus) in June last year and her Tile Tare: A History is comin g o ur in March.

PATRICK WEST hasjusr launched what will unquestionably be a distinguished joumalistic career with several months un paid work experie n ce on Lirerary Review, afi:er having recently finished his MA ar M anchester University.








4 6 NICHOLA HENDERSON Over Here Raymond Seitz

NIGEL NI OLSON Hinch: A Celebration rj Viscount Hinchingbrooke MP 1906-1995 (Edd) Andrew Best and John Sandwich HUGH M ONRO Headmaster: The Life ofJohn Percival, Radical Autocrat J eremy Potter KEN LI VINGSTONE Parliament Under Pressure Peter Riddell

10 0 RLANDO FI GES Three 1/Vhys rj th e Russian R evolution Richard

Pipes, Rebirth of a Nation: An Anatomy of Russia John Lloyd 11 NIKOLAI T OLSTOY Th e H ermitage: The Biography rj a Great

Muse11m Geraldine Norman 13 O LEG GORDIEVSKY War of th e Black H em;ens: Th e Battles rj

Western Broadcasting irr th e Cold War Michael Nelson 16 GEOFFREY MACNAB Eisenstei11: A Life in Conflict Ronald Bergan 17 GEORGE STERN In side the Enigma: British Officials in Russia

1900-1939 Michael Hughes

19 CAR HI LLS Portuga l: A Companion History Jose Hermano

Saraiva 20 PATRlCK WEST n e Lie rjthe Land Fintan O'Toole, An Intelligent

Person's G11ide to Modem Ireland John Waters 22 GARY LA HMAN Prag11e in Black and Gold: Tire History ifa City

Peter Demetz



24 ALLAN MAssiE D H Lawrence: Dying Game 1922-1930 David Ellis 26 MARv KENNY &ycott: Tire lift &hind the Word Charles Arthur Boycott 27 KATE MOSSE Muleleine's World: A Bicwaphy ifa 11m~e- Year-Old Brian Hall 28 JESSICA MANN TI1e YearifR.eading AvustPhyllisRose

28 ANGELA NEUSTATTER Tire Color ifWater: A Black Man's TnbutetoHis

White MotlrerJames McBride


30 JoHN DuGDALE UndemvrldDon DeLillo 31 PRANCIS KINGAds ifMutiny Derek Beaven 32 ToM ANGlER Tire Pied Piper's Poison Christopher Wallace 33 ANNE CHJSHO!M Bdred]ones, Lulubelle and the Most High Clare Nonhebel 34 SoPHIA WATSON Cronrarlie v I11e God Shiva Acting 71rrough tire Government ifIndia Rumer Godden 35 PAUL BLNDING Sa/man tire Solitary Yashmar Kenlal

Editor: AUBERON WAUGH Dep11ty Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Assistant Editor: ] OA NA CRAVE Editorial Assistant: LISA ALLA R.D ICE Business Mmwger: lSABEL BOOTHBY Advertising Manager: LOUISE HAR.RI SON Classified Advertisemel'lt ales: LISA ALLARDI CE

Subscriptions: B EN H ouSE P11blisher: NAIM ATTALLA H Fourrdi11g Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Cover il111 stration by Clrris Riddell

Iss ue no. 235