36 VALER IE PAKEN HAM Life in a11 Irish Co untry H ouse M ark

Bence-Jones 3 7 J W M THOMPSO Co u11try Life 1897-1997: Th e E11glish

Arcadia Ro y Stro ng

39 PATRICK T AYLOR-MARTI N Wisdom a11d lllllocerr ce: A Life rif

C K Chesterton J oseph P ea rce 40 J A R.AMSDE A 11thony Eden: A Life a11d R eputatio11 D av id Dutton 41 LAUS VON BuLOw A Life rif Picasso, Volume !I (1907-191 7) John

Richardson Portrait rif Picasso as a Young Man Nom1an M ail er 42 GILIJERT DE B oTTON Frar1cis Bacon: Anatomy of an E11igma

Michael P eppiatt Baco n: Portraits and Self-Portraits Introdu c tion by Mil an Kund era

43 RALPH B ERRY Bo lt jroll'l th e Blue Sarah Mil es 44 CLAUS VON BULOW Henrik Ibse11 R obert Ferguso n 4 5 PATP..ICK O 'CON OR The Moving Picture Boy: A n lntematio11al

Encyclopedia 1895-1995 John Ho lmstrom 46 SHEP..IDAN M OR LEY My Na 111 e Escapes Me: The Diary rif a

R etiring Actor Al ec Guinness 47 J E H OLDEN BFI Modem Classics (Ed) Edward Buscombe and

R o b White

48 J OHN KEMP The Faber Book rif Christ111as (Ed) Simon R ae 50 DEBORAH B ULL Th e Nigel Lawso11 Diet Book 51 R AFFAELLA BA RKER Th e Tiger Garden: A Book rif Writ ers'

D rea 111 s (Ed) Ni cholas Royle

52 KATE H uBBARD The Enchant111ent of Lily Dahl Siri Hustved 52 CAROLINE U PCHER A Vicious C ircle Amanda C raig 53 J OHN K.EENAN Th e Night in Ques tion Tobi as W o lff 54 CANDIDA CREWE Strange and Well Bred Sophi a W atso n 55 DAM IAN THOMPSON Tropical Dark11ess D avid M cLaurin 56 AN AWORTH I GTON Th e lr111 ocence of R oast Chicke11 J o-Ann e

Ri chards 57 LISA HILTON Wild Meat and th e Bully Br,rrgers Lois-Ann Yamanaka




ALI STA IR H ORN£ I S curre ntly writing a study of the Fre n c h ca p i t a l , to be called Seven Ages of Paris, His latest book , How Far from Austerlitz ? Na poleo n 1805 1815 is re v iewed on page 23, D EBORAH BuLL, Prin c ip le D a n cer with th e Royal Ball e t since 1992, ca u sed a co nside r able stir ea rli e r thi s yea r when she su ccessfu lly defeated a motion in the Oxford Union: 'This House B e beves the Lottery Gives Too Mu c h Money to th e Ebtist Arts ', l n addition to bein g the nation's Pr i n c ipl e Dan ce r , she i s renowned as it s g r eatest expert on diet and exercise ,

GILBER.T DE B OTTON, a former Trustee of the Tate Ga ll e ry, is one of th e most fa it h ful supporters of Franci s Bacon 's work. He sponsored, among other events , the Tate Gallery's Fr a ncis Bacon Exhibi ti on in 1985.

fiAM METTA R OCCO I S a Con t ributing Editor of Vanity Fair. CAROLINE UP HER is co mmi ss ioning e ditor at Fo urth Estate. H e r novel , Falling for lllfr Wrong, co mes out i n pape rback in M arc h (Orion) . H e r r ev i ew of Amand a Craig's nov e l was written b efo r e it was ac quired by Founh Estate.

FRANK M CLYNN's biograph y of N a pol eo n will b e pubbshed by Cape n ext yea r.

MAX ARTHUR's lates t book, Th e Tru e G lory: R oya l Navy 1914- 1939, was publish ed by Hodd er a nd Stoughton i n October.

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