OLEG GORDIEVSKY Spies Without C loaks: The KCB's Successors Amy Knight
34 SAl~ WHEELER Backwards O ut of th e Big World P aul H yland 35 ANNA ROCKALL The Burial Brothers Simon M ayle 35 jANE CHARTER. IS Aucieut Capitals of Tha iland Elizabeth M oore,
Philip Stott and Suriyavudh Sukhasvasti 36 lAIN WEATHERBY on recent travel books
38 BRENDA MADDOX Lady Gregory's Diaries 1892-1902 (Ed)
James Peth.ica 40 TIM ASHLEY Speak Low (When You Speak Love): The Letters of
Kurt Wei/1 and Lotte Lenya (Ed) Lys Symonette and Kim H Kowalke
41 D J TAYLOR The Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers,
Delirium aud Discovery Am.itav Ghosh 42 D EBOR.A H BOSLEY A Watch in th e ight A N Wilson 43 D OM INI . BRADBURY Asylu111 Patrick McGrath 44 l AN CRITCHLEY Manchester Pieces Paul Driver 45 j ACQUI LOFTHOUSE The Glade withi11 the Grove David Foster 46 SOPHIA W ATSON A LoNg Wa lk in Win tertim e Libby Purves 47 AD REID Popcom Ben E l ton 48 KATHRYN Bu CALL The Arizo11a Came Georgina H ammi ck
49 CHANTAL COADY The True History of Choco late D Coe and M.ichael D Coe 50 SIMON DENIS Opium: A History Martin Booth 51 WILLIAM CooK The Pantomime Book Paul Harris
52 AS BYATT Matisse's War P eter Everett 54 AMANDA Ci~IG Midnight Feast M artina Evans 54 H ArlR IET WAUGH I11e Silence Charles M aclean 56 LAUI~ TENNANT The Good Catholic]ulia Hamilton 56 LILLIAN PI ZZ ICHIN I E ureka Street Robert M cLiam Wilson 57 AL EX l VANOV ITCH A Tribal Fever David Sweetman
60 61 SIOBHAN D owo
critic of the new Amd1. In October, he publishes Opera: A New Way i f Listeni11g with De
0LEG GORDIEVSKY is a former KGB officer who, in the la st eleven years of his career, was a secret agent for British Intelligence. H e is the author of some four books, three of them in partnership with Christopher Andrew.
QuENTIN B ELL, Emeritus Professor of the Hi s tory and Theory of Art at Sussex University, so n of C l i ve and Vanessa Bell and biographer of his aunt, Virginia Woolf, is a painter, sc ulpto r and potter , as well as being an author and art critic.
SARA WHEELER, ttaveller, journalist and broadcas ter , has lived in a Buddhist shrine on a remote Japanese island and canoed up the Amazon. In September, J onath an Cape w ill produce her third ttavel book, Terre lllcog11ita, about seven months spent ttavelling in AntarCtica.
BRENDA MADDOX is writing a biography of W B Yeats for Macmillan in this co untry, HarperCollins in the United States.
DAVID M ELLOR has be come a use ful all -ro und journali st and broadcaster sin ce re signin g as Heritage Secretary in 1992 , writing in the Telegraph, Guardian, Eve11i11g Standard and Mail, with a regular column in the Wa11dsworth Boro11'h News.
0 -IANTAL COADY is probably the wo rl d's greatest expert on chocolate. As well as running the famo us Rococo C hocolate emporium on King's Road, C helsea, she is the author of Clwcolale: Food i f the Gods (Pavil ion Books) and The Chocolate Compa11io11 (Apple Press).
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