DOUGLAS J OHNSON is Emeritus Professor of French History at the University of London.
J ESS ICA MANN's new novel, A Private Inquiry, will be published in September by Constable. FR.ANC IS SPUFFOR.o's I May Be Some Tim e: Ice ar~d the ImagiNation, about the motives for the polar exp lorati on, was greeted with universal acclaim when i t was published by Faber in June (£15.99).
PHILIP CARAMAN, the Jesuit historian and fanner editor of Th e Month, was a prime mover in the ca use of the canonisation of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.
A S BYATT's latest novel, Babe/ Tower, appeared from Chatto & Windus in May. It is the third in a pla1med quartet, having been preceded by 17te Vilgin i11 the Garden and Still Life.
Mt CHAEL WAT ERHOU SE h as given up directing and producing fihns for a few months while he writes a book about death for Robinson Books. Soon he w ill be off to the United States to un.iversal.ise the prescience of the death taboo there, u sing money received as compensation from an American airline which lost much of his filming equipment.
DAVTD CHIPP, who was for many years Editor-in-Chief of the Press Association, h as just made a 40th anniversary visit to Beijing , where , in 1956, he was sent by Reuters as the first non-communist co rrespondent acc redited to the People's Republic. ALEXANDER W AUG I-1 has left the Ever·ring Standard, whe re he was opera critic, to become chief music
6 HUGH TR.EVOR-ROPER The Gunpowder Plot Antonia Fraser 7 PHILI P CARAMAN T7wmas Cramner: A Life Diannaid
MacCulloch 9 RI CHARD G OTT Th e War of the Cods: Religion and Politics in
LatiN America Michael Lowy
10 MICHAEL WATERH OUSE Nearly Too Much: The Poetry of
J H Prynne N H Reeve and Richard Kerridge
11 QUENTIN BELL Augustus John: T11 e New Biography Michael
Holroyd 12 DAV!D MELLOR Wagner Michael Tanner 14 ROGER KIMBALL T11e A es thetic Movement Lionel La.mbourne 15 ALEXANDER WAUGH Singers of th e Century J B Steane
16 DOUGLASJ OHNSON Power and Politics in Old R egirn e Fran ce
1720-1745 Peter R Campbell 18 KATHRYN H UGHES Quew Victoria's Secrets Adrie1me Munich 19 FRANCIS SPUFFOR..D Longitude: Th e Tnt e Story of a Lone Genius
VVho Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Tim e Dava Sobel 20 BEATRIX CAMPBELL They Fo~tght in the Fields - The Women's
Land Army: The Story of a Forgotten Victory Nicola Tyre r 21 RI CHARD LAMB Passchendaele: The Untold Story Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson 22 CARLOS MAVROLEON in th e Crossfire Victoria
24 BRYAN APPLEYARD The End ofTi111e: Fait/1 and Fear in th e
Shadow of the Millennium Damian Thompson 26 JESSICA M ANN Wrongful Death: A Medical Tragedy Sandra
Gilbert 26 J OHN C OLVIN Miriam 's Story M.iriam Bruck 27 ALEX WOODCOC K- CLARKE Th e Literary Companio11 to Gambling
Annabel Davis-Goff 28 NI CK FOULKES Corifessiol"ls of an Ivy Leagrte Bookie Peter Alson
29 KYRIL FtTZLY ON A People's Tragedy: Th e Russia11 R evolution,
1891-1924 Orlando Figes 30 . J OHN MILNER The Empress and the Architect: British Architecture and Gardens at th e Court cif Catl1erine tir e Great Dim.itri Shvidkovsky
Editor: AUBERON WAUGH Deputy Editor: N ANCY SLADEK Assistant Editor: J OANNA CRAVEN Genera l Assistant: LISA ALLARDI CE Business Manager: lSABEL B OOTH BY Advertisir'rg Manager: CLIFF KIMBER
Sub scription s: BE N H OUSE Pr.tb/isher: N AIM ATTALLAH Fourr.diug Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Cover illustratio11 by Willianr Rushto11
Issue rw. 218