J UN E 1996
36 SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE D eath in the Andes M ario Vargas Llosa 36 ELISA SEGRAVE The Last of the Savages J ay Mclnemey 38 S!MON PETERS The Marx Family Saga Juan Goytisolo 38 lAN CRITCHLEY Mister Sandman Barbara Gowdy 39 EDWARD PEARCE Death Comesfor Peter PanJoan Brady 40 TATIANA HARRlSON Hunting Down Home J ean McNeil 42 MATTHEW HARVEY 38 Bahadarabad Zeeba Sadiq 43 STEPHANIE MERRITT Love Junkie Robert Plunket
44 JESS ICA MANN A History of the Family (Ed) Andre Burguiere,
Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Martine Segalen and Francoise Zonabend 45 ROGER CALDWELL A History of R eading Alberto Manguel 47 CHARLES THOMAS Stonehenge: Neolithic Man and the Neolithic
Cosmos John North 48 RICHARD LAMB The Tanks at .Flers Trevor Pidgeon 49 PHILIP EADE The Kings and Queens: An I"everent Cartoon History of the British Monarchy Kenneth Baker 50 PETERJONES The Twelve Caesars, The Fall of the Roman Empire,
The History of R ome, The R oman Emperors Michael Grant
52 FRANK M CLYNN The Movie Book of the Western (Ed) lan
Cameron and Douglas Pye 53 PENELOPE STOKES Selling Culture: Magazines, Markets and C lass at the Turn of the Century Richard Ohmann 54 KIM THOMAS Life on Mars Alexander Stuart
56 The Book ofEbenezer Le Page Jonathan Weeks
HILARY MANTEL 's An Experiment in Love has just been published in paperback by Penguin.
DOMINI C BRADBURY , a comparatively new figure on the London scene, has left his fami l y's two beloved black Iabrador bitches, Charlotte and Emi l y, behind in Norwi ch w hile he, still unmarried, faces life alone in North London. He earns h is l iving as features editor of Co untry H omes and Int eriors, and coll ec ts Penguin first editions. He has written a screenplay, at present with his age nt, and has ideas for a novel. RI CHARD LAMB continues to work on his life of Mussolini for John Murray. His War in Italy is the subject of l ively interest in Italy , where i t h as just been published , and in America , where i t has just come o u t in paperba c k. The Macmillan Years, his controversial study published by John Murray last July , continues to be available in hardback, but potential buyers are advised to hurry, while stocks last . PETER )ONES, of N ewcastle University, is founder of the Friends of Classics, a charity to raise funds for th e encouragem e nt of classica l studies in sc hools, and Editor of i ts brilliant newsletter, Ad Fami li ares. They now raise £20,000 a year for this worthy cause, contributing signally to the salvation of Britain.
jANE CHARTERIS's be stselling book The Good Food Shop Guide is published by Evening Standard Books, £9.99.
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