RAYMOND SEITZ, American ambassador at the Court ofStJames 19911994 , has se rved th e State Department in Montreal, Nairobi and Za i re, and was a lso Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State George D Schultz, in Washington , 1982-1984. Celebrated as th e best public speaker in London, he is about to launch a new career as a write r and man ofletters.
ANTONIA FRASER, whose last book on the six wives of Henry Vlll was deliri ously hail ed by Anne Somerset in Literary Review rwo years ago, has a Jemima Shore mystery nove l , Political Death , out from Hein emann this month. It deals with sex, politics and the theatre. Meanwhile, she is r esea r ch in g book on th e Gunpowder Plot.
C LARE COLVIN is the Literary Editor of the Sunday Express.
RICHARD D ORMENT, a Hawthomden prize winner and art criti c of the Daily T elegraph , is eo-curator of the great Whistler Exhibition, which opens at the Tate on October 13. I t is the biggest exhibi t ion of J M Whistler since his death in 1903, moving to the Musee d 'Orsay in Paris in J anuary, and then to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Previously , Richard Dorment o rganised the Alfred Gilbert Exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1986.
TOM POCOCK was for many yea rs a sta r foreign reporter and defence cor r espondent, one o f Beaverbrook's inner team, covering the Algerian War an d other excitements. H e has written a prize - winning biography of Nelson.
4 ANTONIA FRASER Mrs Jordar~'s Profession Claire Tomalin
RICHARD DORMENT Jam es McNei/1 Whist/er: Beyo11d the Myth Ronald Anderson and Anne Koval 5
7 ToM POCOCK Nelson: A Personal History Christopher Hibbert 8 ANDREW ROBERTS Curzon David Gilmour 10 J OHN CORNWELL Graham Creme: Friend ar~d Brother Leopoldo Duran 11 GRAHAM LORD Under my Skin: Volume One of my Autobiography, to 1949
Doris Lessing 12 PETE CLARK Last Train to Memphis: Th e Rise of Elvis Presley
Peter Guralnick 13 CLARISSA BURDEN A Mingled Meas ure: Diaries, 1953-1972
J ames Lees-Milne
FOREIGN POSTINGS 14 JOHN SIMPSON The Bondage of Fear Fergai Keane
15 W ILLIAM SHAWCROSS The Lost H eart of A sia Coli n Th ubron 17 IAN THOMSO One H ot Summer in St Petersburg Duncan Fallowell
GOTHIC HORRORS 19 ANTONIA DoURO The Secret Life of Laz lo, Coun t Draw/a
20 22 23
Roderick Anscombe
LIZZIE FRANCKE on a revival of gothi c fiction R ICHARD TYRRELL The Faber Book of Murder (Ed) Simon Rae VANESSA LETTS Taltos: Lives of th e Mayfair Witches Anne R ice
RAYMOND SEITZ Flesh and Stone Richard Sennett 26 JUUAN BARNES Chateau La tour: The H istory of a Great Vineyard 1331 -1 992
(Ed) C harles Higounet, Haut-B rion Asa Briggs 29 EDWARD PEARCE 'Funny .. You Don't LaokJewish ': A Guide to J ews mtd
J ewish Life Sidney Brichto 30 CHRISTOPHER LAMBTON Arifitl Scieuce Barbara Maria Stafford
ANTHONY STORR Age of Extremes: The Sho rt Twentieth Cmtury 19 14-1 991 Eric H obsbawm GILES MACDONOGH Tales of the New Baby/on: Paris 1869-1875 Rupert C hristiansen
Editor: AUBERON WAUGH Deputy Editor: L OLA BUBBOSH Business Manager & Boxwallah: R oBERT PosNER Chief Editorial Assistant artd Deputy Manager: NANCY SLADEK
Advertising Manager: CLIFF KrMBER
Editorial Assistant: Jo CRAVEN
Publisher: NAIM ATTALLAH Founding Editor: DR ANNE SMITH Cover illustration by William Rushton
Issue no. 196