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Literary Review | m a y 2 0 1 3 2

p u l p i t 1 Dominic Sandbrook b i o g r a p hy 5 Kenneth Minogue

Edmund Bur ke: Philosopher, Politician, Prophet Jesse Norman 6 Ric hard Overy

Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life Jonathan Sperber Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography Rolf Hosfeld 8 Jer ry Brotton

The Philosopher, the Priest, and the Painter: A Portrait of Descartes Steven Nadler 10 Anne S ebba

Flappers: Six Women of a Dangerous Generation Judith Mackrell a rt 12 Kevin Jackson

Picasso and Truth: From Cubism to Guernica T J Clark 13 James Hal l

The Loves of the Artists: Art & Passion in the Renaissance Jonathan Jones 14 P eyton Skipwith

The Sculpture of Charles Wheeler Sarah Crellin Elisabeth Frink: Catalogue Raisonné of Sculpture 1947–93 (Ed) Annette Ratuszniak mone y 16 Martin Vander Weyer

The Great Tax Robbery: How Britain Became a Tax Haven for Fat Cats and Big Business Richard Brooks 17 K athleen Burk

The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order Benn Steil 18 S umit Paul-Choudhury

The Physics of Finance James Owen Weatherall stat e o f nat u r e 20 Caspar Henderson

W eird Life: The Search for Life that Is Very, Very Different from Our Own David Toomey 21 S tephen Moss

Feral: Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding George Monbiot 22 Hannah Rosefield

A Sting in the Tale Dave Goulson