STOP LandgrabSdrIVIng
JoIn uSonThe8ThJune
In LondonandThe 15Th
An area the size of London is sold off in developing countries every six days, almost 60 per cent of it could be used to produce biofuels to fuel our cars. In the UK we burn enough food crops as biofuel to feed 10 million people every year. This is unacceptable in a world where almost 1 billion people go hungry.
In noRTheRn IReLand.
MakeyouRvoIce heaRd.
There cAn be enoUgh food for everyone If we TAKe AcTIon now. In June some of the world’s most powerful leaders are meeting in the UK. This is our chance to force them to take action on hunger.
“This land is ours, not just for our children but for all the children of the people here.” Rosa Xol Pá is a small holder farmer from Guatemala. She is campaigning to keep her community on their land. Will you join people fighting around the world?
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