

Stories making the news this month 8 Kenya: highly charged election 8 Syria’s diaspora doctors 9 Idle No More in Canada 9 Introducing Park Geun-hye 9 Joining the dots in Oz 10 India: enough is enough 10 Iraq: shields 10 years on 11Chile’s Erin Brockovista 11 Britain: what IF? PLUS: 40 years ago New Internationalist is born,


Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone, and Reasons to be cheerful.

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The Big Story – Development 12 A measure of progress The founding editor of the New Internationalist, Peter

Adamson, looks at how the world has changed since the magazine started – and argues for a new push against inequality. 16 World Progress

1970-2010 – The Facts 18 Where are they now? Revisiting some of the individuals who have featured in the magazine’s pages over the years: Aminatou Haidar, from Western Sahara; Rigoberta Menchú, from Guatemala Noushin Ahmadi Khorasani, from Iran; Mari Marcel Thekaekara, from India; and Domitila Barrios de Chungara, from Bolivia. 22 Liberating the world from development i k a r

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The idea of ‘development’ was given a new lease of life by globalization but Wolfgang Sachs argues that it damages both people and the planet. 28 Millennium Development Goals Eight thematic maps showing how the world is matching up to its 2015 targets.

Opinion 32 Argument: Is male circumcision harmful? Richard Wamai and Ronald Goldman go head to head. 35 Mark Engler How many more massacres? 44 Chris Coltrane Cop this barrel of laughs.

PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

Feature 32 Waiting for Chinggis Tina Burrett and

Christopher Simons travel to Mongolia, where the memory of a warrior-hero is inspiring a nomadic people to fight for their past and their future.


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Mixed Media 40 Film reviews Shell, directed by Scott Graham; Lore, directed by Cate

Shortland; and Compliance directed by Craig Zobel. 41 Music reviews Eu Preciso de um Liquidificador by Graveola; and Celebrating

Subversion by The Anti-Capitalist Roadshow. 42 Book reviews A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki; China’s Urban Billion by

Tom Miller; Politics of Origin in Africa by Morten Bøås and Kevin Dunn; and The Sound of One Hand Killing by Teresa Solana. 43 Also out there – including Nick Cave; the latest novel from

Barbara Kingsolver; and stirring documentary Fire in the Blood.

Regulars 6 Letters Wealth is an attitude of mind; more on Monsanto; and I am a New

Internationalist – meet subscriber Sheila Tucker. 7 Letter from Botswana Laughter and tolerance run dry in a land where HIV is still a swear word, says Wame Molefhe. 30 Country Profile: Egypt 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally A civil rights activist since the 1960s, Angela Davis has no intention of slowing down now. She tells Frank Barat what keeps her going.

Change is Change is imminentimminent

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Front cover: Rena Effendi / Institute. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes, Andrew Kokotka and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

Image: Steve Brooks

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