
Issue • st quarter






4 From the editor

6 Flimsy intuitions, lefty landslide

9 Obituaries

13 Feature: postgrad pay James Garvey

16 Mediawatch

17 Geoengineering Stephen MGardiner and Alicia R Intriago

19 Farewell Sci-Phi! Mathew Iredale

22 Mayan apocalypse? Peter Brookesmith

24 Nagel’s teleology revival Ophelia Benson

26 Ethical infrastructure Luciano Floridi

28 A revolution in Syria Odai Al-Zoubi and Rupert Read

30 Turing’s ESP Wendy M Grossman

32 The loss of God Claire Creffield

38 Medieval matters John Marenbon

44 Big ideas in graphic novels Jeff McLaughlin

51 The new scepticism about science Carrie Figdor

57 Moral heroes Mark D White

63 Margaret Cavendish Deborah Boyle

66 Richard Sorabji interview James Garvey

76 Forum: grassroots philosophy

109 Editor’s pick: Journal of Consciousness Studies

112 Posterior analytics Jean Kazez

114 Book reviews

122 Best books of 2012

125 Author Q & A Alfred Mele

127 What the critics said Adam Ferner tpm 1ST QUARTER 2013