

Stories making the news this month 8 Civil society crackdown 8 Govt aid for mines 9 Sierra Leone: election by SMS 9 Introducing Chinese leader


Xi Jinping 9 Peru: Amazon lawsuit 10 Land rights clash in Honduras 10 Turkey’s delinquent justice 11You are not a loan 11 Penis surcharge in New Zealand PLUS: 20 years ago in the New Internationalist,


Ibrahim Yakut / A/ABACAPRES.COM

Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone, and Reasons to be cheerful.

The Big Story – The feral rich 12 The feral rich

How do they get away with it? Vanessa Baird investigates. 17 Help the rich, hate the poor The war against the have-nots is going global,

says Owen Jones. 20 The feral rich – how can we help them?

A 10-point action plan for policymakers, illustrated by Kate Charlesworth. 22 A ferocious sense of entitlement

Urvashi Butalia writes from India on what wealth does to our minds. 24 That’s rich – The FACTS 27Falling in love with tax

Some rich people are all for it. Nick Harvey reports on the growing desire for tax justice.


Babu Babu / Reuters

The Unreported Year 32 Stories and photos that didn’t make the mainstream media in 2012.


i n a F o t o P r e s s i /C h l e

C h u n i a n g



i l / R e u t e r s

I s m a

M o h a m m e a d


ront cover illustration: Peter Ferguson. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

l i n e

O n i a

M e d f r i c a


i l s o n

We a n

Mixed Media 41 The best music, books and films of 2012. 42 Film reviews No, directed by Pablo Larrain; Midnight’s

Children, directed by Deepa Mehta; and West of Memphis, directed by Amy Berg. 43 Music reviews Get up! by Ben Harper; and Annelies by

James Whitbourne. 44 Book reviews Ways of Going Home by Alejandro

Zambra; Ten Days in Jamaica by Ifeona Fulani; After the Sheikhs by Christopher M Davidson; and Cruel Britannia by Ian Cobain. 41 Also out there – including Big Boys Gone

Bananas!; Radi-Aid: Africa for Norway; and Palestinian film Five Broken Cameras.

Opinion 51 Mark Engler A nation of immigrants speaks.

PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Emilio Agra from Venezuela. 61 Steve Parry Forty and still fighting. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.

eatures 38 Stitched up Cambodia, a ‘sweatshop-free nation’? Try telling that to its exploited workers, writes Heather Stilwell. 46 Colombia – the riven land Brian Fitzpatrick and Michael Norby reveal the real key to lasting peace in the war-torn country. 52 The good of small things From cut-price potatoes to guerrilla parkmaking, suicide prevention and rebel kitchens, Alexandra Saliba finds hope in grassroots Greece. 58 Showdown in the Amazon Why are indigenous leaders at odds with their communities in the struggle to conserve their forest homes? Jane Monahan travels to Ecuador to find out.

Regulars 6 Letters Cyber-bullying and internet safety; and why

Israel chooses occupation over peace. 7 Letter from Botswana Customary law needs to catch up with women’s rights, says Wame Molefhe. 30 Country Profile: Swaziland 57 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 60 Worldbeater Ilham Aliyev – President of Azerbaijan and master of autocratic self-enrichment. 62 And Finally... Veteran journalist and newsreader Jon

Snow on why the best is yet to come.

N e w I n t e r n at i o n a l i s t ● jan ua r y / f e b r ua r y 2 013 ● 5