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Vol. IV.
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For the conve-nience of readers the following are kept in stock ;Red cloth spring-back Binding Case with gilt lettering (for the preservation of current numbMs), 3s. 6d., postage 6d. Volume I . Nos. 5, 8 to 12 with Index, 8s., postage Is. Volume II. Nos. 1 to 12 with Index, 14s., postage Is. Index, 2s.· Oomplete bound volume (only a few copies left), 23s. post free in U.K.
Volume III. Nos. 1 to 12 with Index, 148., post(tge Is. Index and Binding Case, 4s. 6d. Index alone, 2s. Complete bownd volume, 20s. post free in U.K,
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Compiled by H. L. Wilson, 7s. 6d., postage 3d.
THOUGHTS ON MUSIC, compiled by Hervey Elwes, 216 pp.,
8vo, cloth, 6s., postage 6d. A LIST OF RECORDED CHAMBER MUSIC and Supplement to
THE 'VILSON PROTRACTOR (for testing needle-track alignment).
Is., postage 2d. TIlE LIFEBELT, for Continental fitting, 5s. pOBt free . Adaptor
July, 1926 (N.G.S. booklet), 9d., postage Id. GRAMOPHONE TIPS, by Capt. H. T. Barnett, M.I.E.E. New Edi
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post free.
for H.M. V. fitting Is. extra, for Columbia fitting Is. 6d. extra. W. G. N. 'WEIGHT ADJUSTER for goose-neck tone-arms or for new H.M. V. models, 7s. 6d., postage 3d. (Full instructions for fitting and use e-nclosed.) W. S. A. WEIGHT ADJUSTER for (Columbia) straight tone-arms.
lOs., postaqe 3d.
SINCE the new recording the question of the right conductor has become of really vital importance for an orchestral record. I t is evidently not enough to have musicians of taste, discretion, and conscientiousness. I might almost add that dignity and a certain nobility of manner which we associate with certain conductors are a hindrance rather than a help to the recording of orchestral works for the gramophone. I can understand, and in some moods sympathise with, the l istener who does not care to see the conductor sweating like a stoker, and I admit that i t may easily induce in the audience a sense of fatigue which is far removed from the highest resthetic pleasure. At the same t ime I must avow that the two conductors I know who sweat most profusely and whose collars at the end of a symphony are wetter than the inside of the horns, do happen to be the very two conductors who galvanize their orchestra into what seems a veritably demonic condition; and I feel convinced that an orchestra stimulated to this extent is the one in the most suitable condition to be recorded. I t is no use talking about the phlegm of British orchestras. The British orchestra with the right conductor can give as inspiring a performance of a great orchestral work as i t is possible to hear anywhere else in the world. But we a,re not getting demonic performances on the gramophone when they are most required, and however authoritative the conducting by a man like Weingartner of the Ninth Sym,phony of Beethoven may be, the inelucta,ble fact remains that life is absent from i t . At present on the gramophone there are two conductors who have unmistakably known how to transfer their own life to a machine-Toscanini and Albert Coates; and I do not think that I am prejadiced by friendship if I add the name of Eugene Goossens. A conductor who I am convinced would have the same power, but who has not yet been recorded, is Koussevitsky. One might expect this Ufe-breathing spirit from Sir Henry Wood, but Sir Henry Wood is really overworked. He achieves