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Vol. IV.

JUNE, 1926


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My remark last month about" hyenas nosing in the entrails of dead l ions" provoked such a loud roaring from :Mr. Ernest Newman in response, unaccompanied by the least suggestion of laughter, that I am bound to suppose he was anxious to convince me, once and for aU, of his own zoological status. He really need not have put himself to such an expense of breath. Readers of THE GRAlVIOPHONE know that I have always regarded :Mr. Newman as a lion and invited them to regard him as one, so that i t never occurred to me that he could possibly confuse himself in his own mind with an hyena. Unfortunately, with a table groaning under the weight of two months' records, I cannot devote the space I should like to devote to a long arglll1ent. But, in justice to myself, i t seems advisable to point out that I have never defended idealized portraits of great men. My contention is that the present fashion in biography lays an undue emphasis on what is base or petty or ridiculous in genius. There is a mean between sentimental glozing and this monotonous denigration, and the truth is as much maltreated by the one method as the other. So fa,r as Wagner is concerned I make no protest. He left his own body to the dissecting-room when he wrote that autobiogra,phy, and the surgeons are entitled to claim him. At the same t ime, when I read such a sentence as this:

Let us hope tha.t in thc disturbance 'Vagner's first and only thought was for Minna, and that, with his arm round her dainty waist, he had taken her for cover and for safety into the orchestra, possibly behind the big drum, I ask myself if some of these surgeons are not merely facetious quacks. That is an extract from the latest life of Wagner by William Wallace. The vulgarity of such writing may 'seem incredible to those who know lIfr. William Wallace's other work, but i t can be matched on many other pages of this lamentable l i t t le book, which is a typical product of the contemporary fashion.

:Mr. Newman thinks that our appreciation of the G min01' Q1tintet will be heightened by l istening at the keyhole of Mozart's bedroom. I think that