

8 Colombia: will peace prevail? 8 Food safety flaw 9 Introducing Hassan Sheikh

Mohamud 9 Trafigura: toxic mess 9 The heat is on in Doha 10 Fair trade dust-up 10 Australia: gas hub threat 11 India: Trumped-up charges 11 Azerbaijan: Extradition incites PLUS: Scratchy Lines by Simon

Kneebone, and Reasons to be cheerful.


The Big Story – Healthcare



12 The vision thing

Inequality squeezes both how healthy we are and the healthcare we get. Time to get past it, believes Dinyar Godrej. 16 The cost of living Industry practices that milk profits from drugs are killing the poor,

says Nick Harvey. 19 Russian roulette for Greeks

Attacks on public health services have left Katerina Kitidi’s compatriots in a hard place. 20 Healthcare, health and inequality: THE FACTS 22 Child survival – but at what cost?

We need to go beyond ‘saving lives’ and demand a right to health, according to Claudio Schuftan. 24 Moral medicine: the Cuban way

A revolutionary example of efficient and affordable healthcare, by John M Kirk and Chris Walker.

Feature 43 Rosia Montana’s last stand The fight to save the Romanian town from a destructive gold-mining project has life in it yet, as Luke Dale-Harris reports.

S z o c s

At i l l a


Front cover: MM Studios. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.

i c e n c e


u n d e ra l t u r e lA g r i c u i c a lC e n t e rf o rTr o p

I n t e r n a t i o n a

Mixed Media 34 Music reviews Songs for Desert Refugees by Various

Artists, and Songs for Kommeno by Günter ‘Baby Sommer’ et al. 35 Film reviews Ginger and Rosa, directed by Sally Potter;

Elena, directed by Andrey Zvyaginstev; and Amour, directed by Michael Haneke. 36 Book reviews Superman is an Arab by Joumana

Haddad; Slavery Inc by Lydia Cacho; Night Dancer by Chika Unigwe; and The Revenge of History by Seumas Milne. 37 Also out there – other music, film and book highlights this month, including Discordia by Laurie Penny and Molly Crabapple.

i d p e t e r k e r r. c o m

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P e t e r K e r r | w w w i d

: D a v

I l l u s t a t i o n

Opinion 30 Argument – Is there a place for genetically modified crops in a sustainable future? Author and journalist Mark Lynas and researcher and writer Claire Robinson go head-to-head. PLUS: Open Window, with Talal Nayer, from Sudan/Ethiopia. 33 Mark Engler How not to make every vote count. 39 Steve Parry

Heroes, frauds and Trojan Tories. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 40 Essay: To everything there is a season How can Egyptians make sure last year’s uprisings have a lasting legacy? Maria Golia looks forward.

Regular Features 6 Letters Hope and despair for today’s youth; why the legalization of drugs could be a slippery slope; and student debt – a choice, not a privilege. 7 Letter from Botswana The arrival of the first rains is a moment of joy for Wame Molefhe. 28 Country Profile: Grenada 38 Making Waves Zoya Rouhana is fighting for women’s rights in Lebanon. 42 Worldbeater The Koch Brothers – class warriors for the one per cent. 44 Southern Exposure Saving the tiger, photographed by Fauzan

Ijazah from Indonesia. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only Planet cartoon. 46 And Finally... Shortlisted for this year’s Booker Prize,

Indian novelist Jeet Thayil is not afraid to court controversy. He spills the beans to Amy Hall.

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