THE GRAMOPHONE Londan O.ffice: 58, Frith Street, London, W.l Edited by COMPTON MACKENZIE

TELEPHONE: Rog6nt 1383

TBLIIGRllIS : Parmaxto, W6stoent, London.

Vol. V.

MAY, 1928

No. 12

All communications should be addressed to the London Office. In the case of MSS. or of letteTs requiring an a~wer an addressed and stamped envelope must be enclosed.

All cheques, money orders and postal orders should be in favour of" Gramophone (Publications) Ltd.", and should be crossed" BanI, of Liverpool and Martins, Ltd."

For the convenience of readers the following are kept in stock :Red cloth spring-back Binding Case with gilt lettering (for the preservation of current numbers ), 3s. 6d., postage 6d. Volumes II., III. and IV . unbound with Index (except Vol. IV., out of print), 15s. each post free . Separate numbers of Vols. II . , III ., IV. and V ., Is. each, postage 2d. A few copies of Vol . I . , Is . 2d. post free. COLOURED PORTRAIT OF MOZART (Vol. III., No . 7), WAGNER (Vol. IV., No.1), BEETHOVEN (Vol. IV., No.7) la . 2d. each post free.

The Annual Subscription for THE GRAMOPHONE is 14s" post free, from the London Office. U.S.A. annual subscription $3.50 post free . Cheques on local banks to " Gramophone (Publications) Ltd."

MUSIO AND THE GRAMOPHONE, compiled by H . L . Wilson,

288 pp., 7s. 6d., postage 6d.

THOUGHTS ON MUSIC , compiled by Hervey Elwes, 216 pp .,

8110, cloth, 38., postage 6d.


July, 1926 (N.G.S. booklet), 9d., postage Id.

GRAMOPHONE TIPS , by Capt . H. T. Barnett, j l f . I .E.E. Is.

post free. 1925 Edition , 9d ., post free.

THE WILSON PROTRACTOR (for testing needle-track ali gnment), Is. , postage 2d . .J1l8t Iss1led .-OPERATIC TRANSLATIONS, by H. F. V. Little. Two Vols . , 2s . each , postage 2d.


WITH this, the sixtieth number of THE GRAM0. PHONE, we reach the end of our first lustrum,

and must begin to think about the end of our first decade. I suppose I ought to be worrying over intimations of approaching middle-age; but I am not. I am worrying over our index. \Ve have produced this every year at a considerable expense of money and a very large expense of t ime, energy, and patience without receiving the slightest encouragement from the large majority of our readers at the t ime of publication, though no sooner is the index out of print than we receive every day for the rest of the year urgent and indignant orders f.or i t . The index to Volume 5 will be ready on June 1st. Those who order i t in advance will be charged two shillings; those who wait to buy until after publication will have to pay half-a-crown. I am sorry that we have to charge so much, but we tried the experiment of printing more at a popular price and lost heavily .our confidence. I f every' reader would support thIS mdex we could produce It for sixpence. I am not cracking up our own wares when I say that this index is useful. Our letter box every morning is a proof of i t , because i t is always full of letters asking questions that would not have been asked if the correspondents possessed the index. To dealers i t is absolutely indispensable. I know that comparatively few dealers do me the honour of reading what I have to say about the instrument or machine by which they gain a livelihood, and I am sure that those who do read me will all be making use of our index. So that in lecturing the majority I am talking to the wind. But there must be, indeed there undoubtedly are many of my readers with a missionary bent, and I do earnestly beg such readers to devote a l i t t le less apostolic energy to the conversion of tone-arms and a l i t t le more to the conversion of dealers. The index to the volume of THE GRAMOPHONE is just a peg on which to hang this sermon. There are much graver sins of omission on the consciences of many dealers than failure to use our index. About a month ago I voiced in the Sunday Pictorial the feeling that