7l( Glt.-4 MOPHONE -
lNumhtr, 1957
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t i, =-=-=- J rd FLOOR I M H O F S f a mo u s I NSTR U MENT CASE SHO WROOMS wilh a comprt'Mnsi ~t dis play of meta l housi ng (or a ll types of equ ipment .
41h FLOOR . . R E C O R D S - B Y · POST" SERVICE. Your rtronl req uests comp/t l ed IInd sent by I?'urnbo th home a nd abroad .
2nd FLOOR . . HI -FI " AND RADIOG RAMS Ex tenshe .wleclion of a ll lea ding ma kt'S of 'grams a nd Hi~h Fideli ty eq uipmenl .
151 FLOOR TELEV ISION SHOWROOM St'(',hta r a nd Compar e SO different se ls s id e·by-s idt'. NEW SE R V I CE S HOP Immfdia l t a l lenlion.
MEZZANINE FLOOR R A DI OS AN D R EC O RD PLAY ERS supplitd wllh Imhors 24·hour sc rvict'.
GRO UND FLOOR R E C O RD SALE S AN D AUDITION ROOMS . Cla55kll1 LP's, Popular. PLUS Im hofs SpK'ia l Contim~ nla J collection .
LO WER GROUND FLOOR SEL F·SERVICE .. MELO DY BAR ." London's rf'nde'Uovs for . . pop .. rK'Of'ds.
Our show rooms practicall y adjoin Tottcn ham Court Road Underg round Sta tion all under ODe roof . . . . seven floors at your service at Imbofs