8-11 Stories making the news this month, including: Before and after Belo Monte; playing finance at its own game; Shell’s dirty work; bullying and intimidation before Ukraine’s elections; and British lawyers on the hunt for clients in Kenya. PLUS: Scratchy Lines by Simon
Kneebone and Reasons to be cheerful.
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O s o d
/G e o r g e
P h o t o
The Big Story – Youth
12 Voice of the future
Young people are playing a vital role in a sweeping wave of dissent, says Jody McIntyre. 16 Why selling out is no longer an option Capitalism’s betrayals will cost youth dear. Laurie Penny’s call to arms.
18 Revolutionary women The feminists who don’t get air time,
by Farah Jassat. 19 Youth – The FACTS
20 Planned fury
Seun Kuti tells Akala why hope is overrated. 22 Shaking up the occupiers
The frustrations of Palestinian youth, voiced by Linah Alsaafin. 24 Youth power
Snapshots from around the world. 26 How to grow a student movement, Chilean-style
Revolutionary student leaders Camila Vallejo and Giorgio Jackson speak with Jody McIntyre.
Jacopo Rosati
AP Photo / Wong Maye-E
Features 38 And the birds dropped dead from the sky Indigenous groups in Guatemala are fighting back against an environmental catastrophe wreaked by a Canadian mining company, as Stephanie Boyd discovers. 44 Australia’s disgrace Holding child asylum-seekers in detention is a controversy largely playing out to media silence. Ollie Milman asks why.
Front cover illustration: Andre ‘Zoom’ Anderson. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes and Andrew Kokotka. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Mixed Media 34 Film, book and music reviews including: An unsettling drama set in communist East Germany unfolds in the film Barbara, while Snows of Kilimanjaro is a French tour-de-force; poetic imagery – and a dig at Donald Trump – in Karine Polwart’s new album; and a very personal memoir of the Biafran War from acclaimed Nigerian author Chinua Achebe.
Opinion 30 Argument – Is China good for Africa? Writer and activist Firoze Manji and professor Stephen Chan go head-to-head. PLUS: Open Window, with guest cartoonist Sergei Tunin from Russia.
33 Mark Engler Can Occupy live to see another birthday? 41 Steve Parry
A froth-free latte stirred with politics. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad
World cartoon.
Regular Features 6 Letters 7 Letter from Botswana
Wame Molefhe is proud that Gaborone is her home – despite the reaction of others. 28 Country Profile: South Africa
42 Southern Exposure Samburu children at play, caught on camera by Evans Habil. 43 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’
Only Planet cartoon. 46 And finally... Providing a voice for young people – emcee Logic on the importance of hip hop, and of loving what you do.
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