Intergrated Loudspeaker Systems designed to sound better

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Tannoy have been making loudspeakers for a very long time. They have, in fact, been making 'very good' loudspeakers for a very long time. While Tannoy is a household word for P. A. systems and professional installations, it is also synonymous with quality dome stic loudspeakers - as any discerning hi-fi enthusiast will tell you .

The Tannoy range of integrated systems with dual concentric loudspeakers must be heard to be appreciated. And there is no better place to do this than at Imhofs. Here, with the aid of one of our comparators, you can listen to them in conjunction with the equipment of your choice and, having heard them, your choice will be Tannoy - naturally.


obtainable from IMHOFS ... naturally ...

Imhofs 112-116 New Oxford Street London WC1 A 1HJ telephone 01-636 7878

eight floors at ~our serviee

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