March 1973

now it's a bigger and better beoroom at Imhofs for-

beautiful Bang S Olufsen



112-116 New Oxford Street, London WC1 A 1HJ telephone 01-636 7878

Due to the overwhelming popularity of the Bang & Olufsen range, the showroom on the fourth f loor at Imhof House has been enlarged to more than twice its original size. This means there is now nearly 600 sq. ft. exclusively devoted to the superb equipment manufactured by Bang & Olufsen with adequate space to display the whole range and for you to make your selection in comfort. And, of course, our trained B & 0 specialists are there to give you any information you require

This popularity is, we feel sure, due to the way in which Bang & Olufsen have managed to combine engineering craftsmanship with elegance of design to satisfy the most discerning. It is further enhanced by the knowledge that any new equipment bought from us is covered by the Imhofs Sales Charter which includes the first 12 months service completely free of charge

. . . . and full after sales service
