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Imhofs have 'a whl;Jle showroom devoted e*elusivel~ to --

beautiful Bang t:I Olufsen To meet the ever increasing demand for the superb equipment manufactured by Bang & Olufsen, there is now a new showroom on the fourth f loor at Imhof House . It is entirely devoted to the Bang & Olufsen range which includes Hi-Fi Tuners, Tuner/ Amplifiers, Amplifiers, Speakers, Pick-ups, Motors and Television (both colour and black and white), Radios, Tape Recorders etc. You can be sure that here you will f ind all the latest models available for demonstration and to make selection simple, there is a special 'Comparator' that enables you to interchange amplifiers and speakers. Should you have any technical queries-just ask the trained Bang & Olufsen specialist-he's there to give you any information you require . ZMHOFSDept.1/1t,112-116New O';ford Street, london WC1A 1HJ teleohon e 01ยท636 7878 I a m l nterested In Bang & Olufsen equipment. Please send me details of: Please tic k

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