. October 1969



when you're in town

Pop into-

ZMHOFS Europe's leading

Hi-Fi Store

Established I845

You don't have to be a 'Spy' to find out that all the worthwhile new equipment introduced at the Audio Fair will be on sale first - at Imhofs. This is because of the special relationship that exists between us and so many of the manufacturers. Motors, Amplifiers, Tuners, Tape Recorders, Pick-ups or accessories, whatever it is that interested you, you can be sure that as soon as they become available, you will find them in our hi-fi demonstration rooms. What is more, while you might have listened to them on the manufacturer's stand at the Fair, here, with tire aid of one of our 'Comparators' you can instantly compare them with similar items of other makes. And all this in armchair comfort. So, if you are buying hi-fi (a single piece of equipment or a complete system) - Pop into [mho/so This Year of Hi Fi I f you are unable to visit the Audio Fair, why not send to-day for a copy of 'This Year of Hi Fi'. It contains full details of all the worthwhile equipment that is currently available in this country together with information on tbe services offered by Imhofs. This .costs 2/6d (Post free) but includes a voucher worth £1 Os. Od. against any purchase over £20 Os. Od. (overseas readers may have a copy free and post free but the voucher is not included).

Eddystone Imhofs are the main Eddystone Retail Distributors for the London area. Call in for a demonstration or tick cOupon for full information on these superb multiwave communication receivers. Quick and safe delivery to any part of the world.

ZMHOFS Dept. 1/1.0 112·116 New Oxford Street, London We1 telephone Ot .636 7878 Please l ick appropriate squares I enclose Cheque/Postal order/stamps for 2/6d please send me a copy of THIS YEAR OF HI·FI t I Living overseas I would like a free copy of THIS YEAR OF HI·FI t I Please send me free of charge, details of monthly record accounts t I guaranteed export service t:l Eddystone communication receivers t l name........... ... ..... ... ·... .. ··.·.·················· ... . .. ... .. . . . . . .. .... . address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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