July 1964
starts Monday July 20th at 9.30 am lots of wonderful bargains in radio, TV, hi-fi, record players and radiograms. Come early for the best pickings - choose from both "pig-in-a-poke" and Imhofs "guaranteed" items of outstanding value.
This year of hi-fi 1964 send today for your own free copy of this lavishly I l lustrated 48 page book. Whether you are interested in tape or disc, mono or stereo, you will find all the latest equipment l isted, together with helpful notes on choosing hi-fi.
A "must" for both expert and beginner.
Alfred Imhof Limited Dept 1/1 112-116 New Oxford Street London We1 Telephone Museum 7873 Please send me (t ick appropriate squares) THIS YEAR OF HI-FI 1964 D details of Guaranteed Export Service D details of Monthly Accounts D details of 1M Styli D name ... address