everybody goes to ..
for Christmas gifts!
December, 1961
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Only at IMHOFS can you find under one roof such a fabulous array of gifts of all descriptions; designed to delight music lovers everywhere.
IMHOFS GIFT TOKENS-a happy answer to the present problem. In values Irom 6/- upwards, they can be exchanged lor any make 01 record or equipment. There Is no charge lor the greeting card, and IMHOFS Gilt Tokens are valid
ALFRED IMHOF LIMITED Dept. 112 112-116 NewOxford St London W.C.1. Tel: MUS 7878
You can shop confldentiy at IMHOFS in person, by phone or by post.
IMHOFS FOR RECORDS-classical, pop, jazz, vintage imported and rare labels-choose from the biggest stock in Europe-prices from 6/9d. 1M STYLI-craftsman-made for all cartridges. An 1M Stylus -sapphire or diamond-will please the most exacting record enthusiast! Prices from 5/11d. IMHOFS FOR PRE-RECORDED TAPES-including stereo. Europe' s largest stock is in IMHOFS ground f loor Record DepartmeFlt-prices from 15/-. IMHOFS FOR RECORD STORAGE racks and carrying cases-Racks from 9/11 d. Carrying cases-from 19/6d. IMHOFS FOR TRANSISTOR RADIOS-a gift to be enjoyed-anywhere! Choose from our really wide rangeall types, sizes and prices-from £10.10.0. IMHOFS FOR-Cleaning Pads and Fluids from 3/2d. Dust Bugs from 23/11d. Tape Splicers from 18/6d. Stylus Pressure Gauges from 4/10d. Pick-Up Lifters from 23/1 d.
Extra Special Gifts - you can choose record-players, radiograms, television sets, etc., with expert advice.
IMHOFS specialise in overseas deliveries to all parts 01 the worldl