come and see the new ZMHOFS

January, 1961

Behind the bright new windows, sweeping up to take in the f i rst f loor as well as the ground, are new l istening rooms, new record departments, new showrooms, new demonstration equipment-all designed so that you can easily choose the records and equipment that are r ight for you. Come in and relax in one of the twenty new l istening rooms. Browse in the Melody Bar or the Classical Department among the largest stocks of British and foreign records. Bring your pick-up into the Service Shop to have an 1M stylus f i t ted; you'll f ind all kinds of accessories there, too, and a helpful repairs staff. Slip up to the fourth f loor hi fi department and l isten to your choice of equipment on Imhof's unique stereo comparator or discuss hi fi cabinets with the expert staff. There, too, is the stereogram room with the largest range of f ine stereo radiograms. Pause on the second f loor to see more than 50 television sets working side-by-side, including 23-inch models with automatic remote control. There is always plenty to interest you at Imhofs. Imhofs is a bright, modern store , i ts eight f loors packed with the latest equipment, i ts staff primed with up-to-date knowledge of hi fi, electronics and recordings and the whole f i rm imbued with a tradition of service that goes back more than 115 years to the days before the Edison phonograph. Come and see the new Imhofs and enjoy the old-style courtesy and service.

To Alfred Imhof Ltd Dept 11

112-116 New Oxford Street We1 MUS 7873

Please send me a copy of

"This Year of Hi Fi"


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