a selection of works by British composers

Arnold Sax became Master of the King's Musick in 1941, He recently celebrated his sixtieth birthday and special performances of his works were featured in the B.B .C. programmes. Most of his work shows the inOuence of his long association with Ireland. K941/43 String Quartet No. I in G

The Griller Quartet Sonata for Viola and Harp .Watson Forbes,and Maria Korchinska

Benjamin Britten X226(8 Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge X245f7 A Simple Symphony

The Bayd Neel String Orchestra Frank Bridge X250{l Suite for String Orchestra

The Bayd Neel Stri ng Orchestra K945/6 Fantasy Trio in C Minor

The Grinke Trio Arthur Bliss l<1091/4 .String Quartet

The Griller Quartet X233/5 Sonata for Viola and Piano

Watson Forbes and Myers Foggln K780/3 Clarinet Quintet

The Griller Quartet with Frederick Thurston frederick Delius XI ..7 Two Aquarelles and Air and Dance


The Boyd Neel String Orchestra Howard Ferguson IKI09S/97 Octet for String Quintet, Clarinet, Horn and Bassoon

The Griller Quartet with PaulineJuler (clarinet) Cecil james (bassoon) Dennis Brain (horn) and james Merrett (bass)

The Decca Record Company have always made a special point of recording the works of British composers, This month we give a selection from the Decca catalogue of Briti~h works chosen by Mr, Boyd Neel who. with his String Orchestra. recorded manyof them for thefirst t ime.

Gustave Hoist F5365/6 St. Paul's Suite

The Boyd Neel String Orchestra Herbert Howells M484/5 Elegy for Viola Solo, String Quartet and String Orchestra.

Solo Viola Max Gilbert. The Boyd Neel String Orchestra John Ireland K899/900 Fantasy Trio in A minor

X242/4 Trio No. 3 in E

The Grinke Trio X253/S Concerti no Pastorale

The Bayd Neel String Orchestra Hen ry Pu reell K778 The Golden Sonata K809 Sonata No. 3 in A minor

Frederick Grinke, jean Pougnet and Boris Ord


XIOl/7 Dido and Aeneas (Complete Opera)

Vaughan Williams K815/6 Fantasia on a Theme of Tallis

The Boyd Neel String Orchestra X248/9 Concerto for Violin and String Orchestra in D minor

(Academico) X259/60 The Lark Ascending

Fredeflck Grinke and the Boyd Neel String Orchestra X I 14/8 A London Symphony

Queen 's Half Orchestra, cond. Sir Henry Wood

William Walton X199/201 Viola Concerto

London Symphony Orchestra. Solo Viola, Frederick Riddle. cond. by the composer XI08j113 Symphony

London Symphony Orchestra, cand, Sir Hamilton Harty on D cc records