8-11 Stories making the news this month, including: Pursuing justice for rape crimes in
DRC; the gloves are off in Russia; fighting impunity in Colombia; and an exercise in elbow-licking in Sudan. PLUS: Scratchy Lines by Simon
Kneebone and Reasons to be cheerful.
I m a g e s
/P r e s sA s s o c i a t i o n
/A P
Wa n d e r a
St e p h e n
Mixed Media 34 Election special Ry Cooder gets ready for action with the
‘Mutt Romney Blues’. PLUS: A five-star musical intifada from Ramzi Aburedwan; the Revolt in Syria deeply understood by author Stephen Starr; and the deadly power of three words – It’s a Girl – in a shocking new doc on gendercide.
The Big Story – illegal drugs
12 Legalize drugs – all of them! An exploration of just what would be at stake if we did, by Vanessa Baird. 18 What’s your poison? Science and law at odds over drugs. 19 My body,shot,left lying A dispatch from the drug-war frontline by Mexican journalist Sandra Rodríguez Nieto. 21 Africa’s first narco state How Guinea Bissau got hooked.
22 What would legalization look like?
Your questions answered by medic Max Rendall. 24 Illegal drugs – The FACTS 26 Fair trade drugs
Not such a crazy idea. Tom Feiling thinks ahead.
Above: Nathan Denette / The Canadian Press/Press Association Images; Right: Ullstein-Hartmann / Specialist Stock
Feature 40 Why do some conflicts get more media coverage than others? Nick Harvey considers the role – and the agenda – of the global media in making the news.
/R e u t e r s
J a m e sA k e n a
Front cover: Dorling Kindersley / Magazine designed by Alan Hughes and Andrew Kokotka. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Opinion 30 Argument – Should celebrities promote charities? Professors Mark Wheeler and Ilan
Kapoor go head-to-head. 33 Mark Engler Obama: a better adversary. 39 Steve Parry
Fun run? Someone’s having a laugh. PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon.
i ce n ce
Un d e ra
D o n ke y H o te y
Regular Features 6 Letters 7 Letter from Botswana
Wame Molefhe delights in the old civility. 28 Country Profile: Yemen 38 Making Waves Kushal Chakrabarti, the self-confessed geek supporting students through microfinance in the Majority World. 44 Southern Exposure Asef Ali Mohammad photographs the minority Hazara in Pakistan. 45 Puzzle Page PLUS: Marc Roberts’ Only
Planet cartoon. 46 And finally... From earliest memories to
the joy of old age, author Alice Walker reveals who and what inspires her.
l l
S c o t tC a m p b e
N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● S E P T EM B E R 2 012 ● 5