November 1984 Vol. 62 No, 738
co ·NT .E N .T S
INDEX TO REVIEWS-including Charpentier's Medee and Bach' s Partitas played by Andras Schiff. .
NEWS & VIEWS-ASMF at 25, Faure's Chamber
Requiem, Sir Charles Grove's Black Knight and Gramophone Record Awards .
QUARTERLY RETROSPECT-R o bert La yton on the march of CD
Orchestral .
Chamber Mus'lc
Instrumental .
Choral and Song
Cassette Commentary ..
599 CD Care-Michael Sykes invest igates
618 Heathr ow Show report.
Dusseldorf Show report.
664 669 . .. 678
627 Equipment Reviews
Technics RSB -1 00
Cassette Deck . Philip s CD104 Compact
Di sc Player
640 Two Goldring Cartridges
686 .69 1
B & W DM330 Loudspeaker 692
658 New Produc ts
Carlo Maria Giulini appears on this month's fr on t cover and his new record ing of Verdi's /I Trovatore is reviewed by Alan Bl yth on page 651
Photog rap hed by Rein ha rt Wolf, Hambu rg
Cr i tics' Choice 1984-Gramophone crit ics c hoose their fa vou rite record s of the yea r. The December 1984 issue w ill be published on Wednesday November 28th .
Publ ished by General Gramophone Publi ca tio ns Ltd , 177 / 9, Kenton Road. Harrow, Middlesex HA3 OHA Telephone 01-9074476.
Publisher & Editor, A NTHO NY POLLARD: Deputy Publish er & Advertiseme n t D irector. BARRY I RvI~G Editorial Manage r. CH Rt s rOP:i ER POLLARD: Consu l tant to the Edilortal Depar tm ent , QUIrA CHAVlL, Audio Edit or . J OHN BORWICK: Audio Consu l tant, J OHN GIL BERr ' Advert iseme n t Co- o rdi n ator & A rt Edit or, D ERMOT J ONES: Circulation Manager. SI ~PHt \ PRESCOll . Su b sc r ip tio n M anager. VALERIE WARBURTON .
GRAMOPHONE IS published on the Wednesday nearest to the 7sr of each month and is available from all newsagenrs and books ralls Annual subscnjJllOns. see page 704. US Dir speeded rate $33 ·20. second class postage paId New York. US mailing agents ' ExpedIters of the Printed Word Ltd.. 575 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 70022. Printed 111 England bv Watmoughs Limited, Idle, Bradford and London. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of statements within this magazine, we cannot accept responslbllltv for any errors Or omissions. or for matters arising from clerical or printers' errors. or an advertiser not completing i l is contract. It is requested that all letters to the EdItor requlflng D persona! replv should be accompanied bv a stamped addressed envelope. Subscribers. both at home and abroad. are requested tc advise change of address deta i ls to o ur Subsc np · (Ion Department at least five weeks prior to the change becoming effect i ve. ISSN 007 7-3 7OX © General Gramophone Publications Lid 1984