June 1985 Vol. 63 No. 745


Dutoit and his Montreal orchestra. the comp lete Bruckner symphonies recorded by Gunter Wand and the first recording of Chabrier's L 'Etoile .. 2



CORRESPONDENCE- KaraJan's HMV Rosenkavalier, a query about

Joachim 's cadenzas, and more comments on American symphonies, 3

NEWS & VIEWS- thoughts from two young conductors Esa-Pekka Salonen and Riccardo Chailly , Andrew Keener talks to Stephen Bishop-Kovacevich


EUGENE ORMANDY REMEMBERED-Robert Matthew-Walker recalls the distinguish ed Hungarian conductor who died in March,


WALKING THE DOG WITH UNCLE HARRY-Michael Til son Th omas reflects on preparing performing versions of Gershw in, and recording Beethoven with the ECO 20

BOOKSH ELF-Michael Oli ver rev iews new books and recent reprints . 22


Orchestral Chamber

Instrumental, . . . ... .... .. Choral and Song , Opera Brief Review s, Nights at th e Round Table Spoken Word " Jazz Cassette Commentary ,.

AUDIO 25 Sounds in Retrospect, 50 Equipment Reviews 54 Thorens TD 321 /LiNN LVX

59 Turntable



62 66 69 , .70 .73

Beard P100 Power Amplifier and P505 Preampl ifier , Mitsubishi System 45 " Mordant Short MS 300


74 New Pr oducts.

85 86

... 87 ....... .88


The cover features Michael Ti lson Thomas whose new record of Gershwin wi th the Lo s Angeles Philharmonic is reviewed on page 37: also reviewed inside is his new record of Ives's Symp hon y No, 3 on CBS Masterworks ,


The front cover w i ll herald a three -month feature on Great British Audio , Katharine Copisarow talks to Sahlomo Mintz and Roger Fiske reviews his latest musical offering on DG-Bach's Sonatas and Partitas, Also reviewed is Karajan's Ring in its new Compact Disc format. The July 1985 issue will be published on Wednesday July 3rd.

Published by General Gramophone Publications Ltd .. 177/9, Kenton Road, Harrow. Middlesex HA3 OHA Telephon e 01-907 4476,

Publisher & Editor. ANTHONY POLLARD; De puty Publisher & Adverti sement Director. BARRY IRVIN (; Edit orial Manager, CHRISTOPHER POLLARD ; Consultant \0 the Edit orial Department. GUllA CHAvr7, Audio Editor. J OI'IN B ORWIC~ ; Audio Co nsultant . J OHN G ILBER T, Adverti sement Co-o rdinator & A rt Editor, DERMOT J ONES; C irc ulation Man ager, STEPHEN P ESCOTT, Subscripti on Manager, VAL ·RI C WARBURTO

GRAMOPHONE is p ublished on the Wednesday nearest to the 7st of each month and is available from allnewsagents and bookstalls, Annual subscriptions : see page 96, US air speeded rate $33·20. second c lass postage paid New York, US mailing agents,' Expediters of t i le Prin ted Word Ltd" 575 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Print ed in England by Watmoughs Limited, Idle. Bradford: and London, Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of statements within this magazine. we cannot accep t responsibill!V for any errors or omissions. or for mailers arising from clerical or printers' errors, or an adverliser no t completing h is contract. I t is requested th at alliellers, to the Editor requlfin g a personal reply should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope, Subscribers, both at home and abroad, are reques ted to adVise change of addrfiss details to our Subscrip · tion Department at least five weeks prior to the change becoming effective ISSN 007 7 ·370X @ General Gramophone Publications Lt d , 1985