Series illS precision pick-up arm

The best pick-up arm in the world

Write to Dept 0456, SME Limited, Steyning, Sussex , BN4 3GY, England


We took a hard look at the Series III because we wanted more people to enjoy it. We were not prepared to give an inch on performance or manufacturing quality and the nitrogen hardened t i tanium tone arm had to remain . However we found a number of ways in which economies could be effected and the y have been incorporated in this new model .

Adjustments are made directly instead of through lead screws or rack and pinion, the absence of these things being a matter of operating convenience only . Lateral balance was also dispensed with as it is unimportant in this type of arm unless the deck is seriously out of level. The f luid damper is a refinement but not essential and so we made it an optional accessory This simplified version of the Series III offers an attractive saving in price and either is immediately available through your usual dealer . We shall be glad to send you details on request .