. The reviewers Andrew Achenbach Fabrice Fitch
Richard Osborne
Nicholas Anderson Jonathan Freeman- Stephen Plaistow Mary Berry Attwood Guy S Rickards Alan Blyth Edward Greenfield Marc Rochester Joan Chissell David S Gutman Julie Anne Sadie Rob Cowan Stephen Johnson Stanley Sadie Peter Dickinson Lindsay Kemp Lionel Salter Duncan 'Druce Tess Knighton Edward Seckerson
John Duarte
Adrian Edwards
Andrew Lamb
Robert Layton
Ivan March
Robert Seeley
John B Steane
Richard T Fairman Ivan W G Moody Michael Stewart David Fallows Bryce Morrison Jonathan Swain David J ,Fanning David 'Nice John Warrack lain Fenlon Patrick O'Connor Arnold Whittall Hilary Finch Michael Oliver Richard Wigmore
Key to symbols ID New G) Reissue (reissues are also listed in comparisons as R; when a date appears as, say, 7/56R it means the recording was first reviewed in JIlly 1956 but has since been reissued under the listed number, though not re-reviewed). N97 refers to reviews in the Awards issue ID Historic ~ Video CD Compact Disc El Cassette o LP 00 Digital Compact Cassette
. . LaserDisc m VHS Cassette oas Only available singly aas Also available singly nla No longer available Price where stated is inclusive of VAT at 17·5% ® Full price £ I0 and over @ Medium price £7 - £9·99 @ Bargain price £5 - £6·99 @ Super bargain price £4·99
and below AAD/ADDIDDD denote analogue or digital stages in the recording! editing or mixing! mastering or transcription processes in CD manufacture
Gramophone Founded in 1923 by Sir Compton Mackenzie and Christopher Stone
Volume 75 Number 901
Published by Gramophone Publications Limited 135 Greenford Road . Sudbury Hill. Harrow. Middlesex HA 1 3YD. Great Britain. Telephone 0181-422 4562 Fax 0 18 1·869 8400 E-mail info@gramophone.co .uk Web site www.gramophone.co. uk
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2 Gramophone May 1998
Reviews4Indextoreviews48Orchestral62Chamber66Instrumental70Choralandsong86Opera96Collectors'corne r 100 Soundbites 102 Stage and screen 110 World music - Sufi music
14 Andreas Scholl
Still only 30, Andreas Scholl has already risen to superstardom in the singing world, winning two Gramophone Awards along the way. Hugh Canning went to meet him to talk about tradition, mass media and his forthcoming operatic debut
Pll oto GramophonelBayley
Sufi music
6 Letters
Dame Elisabeth Schwarzkopf responds to Alan Blyth's assessment of her Verdi Requiem; the role of film sound tracks in classical music today; a plea for more on record from Vernon Handley, and further enlightenment on the posthumous reputation of Eugen Jochum
Collection Lionel Salter has been l istening to all the available versions of the work commonly regarded as the first ever orchestral song-cycle, Berlioz's Les nuits d'i!te, and finds the best version is also one of the most recent