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16 Cover Story Inventive Africa The blossoming of African innovation
Editorial 17 Clamour on the international stage Cover Story 18 The blossoming of African innovation 24 Open Innovation Africa Summit 2012 26 African inventions 28 The foundation of innovation Special Report: Aviation 30 Toughing out short-term turbulence 32 Dreamliners head for Africa 34 Safety in the skies 36 Budget airlines get easyJet boost 38 Smaller is more beautiful 41 Tamale upgrade to help Kotoka Investigative Report: Piracy 42 How to stop fuel scams in West Africa Awards 48 African Business Awards 2012 Guest column 50Greece and Niger: a tale of unfairness
Science 54 South Africa hosts world’s largest telescope Industry 56 Ethiopia’s liquid gold Special Report: Trade Finance 59Afreximbank: Financing African trade 60 Interview: Jean-Louis Ekra 64 A bank on a mission 70 How trade developed China Countryfiles 76 South Africa: Battles over youth jobs 78 Malawi: Tough pill to swallow 80 Nigeria: New light on old darkness 82 Mauritius: Chinese vanishing act Reviews 88Book: TheLandgrabbers 90 Music: MouniraMitchala etters to the Editor YourviewsonAfricaandmattersaffectingAfricaareveryimportanttous.Weencourageyouto sharethemwiththethousandsofourreadersinAfricaandallovertheworld.Youcanwritetothe Editor,attheaddressonourmasthead,emaileditorial@africasia.com,orhaveyoursayonTwitter @AfricanBizMagoronourFacebookpage–AfricanBusinessMagazine.