
8 Oz puts a price on carbon 9 Legacy of forest defender Chut Wutty 10 Québec’s maple spring 11 Londoners muse Olympic legacy 12 News in brief this month PLUS – Open Window guest cartoonist

Omar Abdallat from Jordan 13 Africa fights back against poachers PLUS – Reasons to be cheerful


AP Photo / Rick Rycroft

The Big Story – Co-operatives

25 We’re all in this together Time to celebrate the International Year of Co-operatives. Wayne Ellwood raises a glass to their long history and argues that co-ops are democratic, community focused – and a challenge to the dominant free-market model. 29 How co-ops are building a better world – THE FACTS 30 The unselfish gene

Zoe Cormier explores our natural ability to co-operate. 32 Big thinkers on co-operation 34 Beyond solidarity The rituals that reinforce co-operation are under threat,

says Richard Sennett. Interview by Horatio Morpurgo. 35 Cooking for peace Sometimes simple things can build understanding.

Noreen Sadik reports from Israel. 36 What would Che say?

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Can co-operatives save Cuba? John Restakis travels to Havana to find out.

39 They told us we couldn’t count In Indonesia, self-help is transforming the lives of rural women. Irfan Kortschak talks to one co-op member. 40 Your guide for all things co-operative


Mixed Media 43 ‘We call it life’ ‘Riots have been nearly happening all my life,’ poet-rapper Speech Debelle tells Louise Gray. PLUS: Hot Docs 2012 – a roundup of the best offerings at Toronto’s annual film-fest; a new CD from Billy Bragg and Wilco commemorates Woody Guthrie; and a memorable début novel from filmmaker Elaine Proctor.


Opinion 14 Argument – does the government have the right to monitor private emails? Robin Tudge and Beatrice de Graaf go head-to-head. PLUS: Your feedback on May’s debate:

‘Should India still receive foreign aid?’ PLUS: Polyp’s Big Bad World cartoon. 23 Letter from Botswana

What is self-evident for one is a mystery to others, discovers Lauri Kubuitsile. 53 Mark Engler Wall Street wants your gratitude. 61 Josie Long

Not seeing the funny side.

Features 20 Redemption road Amodern-day pilgrimage gives troubled youngsters a unique opportunity to walk their way to freedom. Adam Weymouth reports. 48 Heroism or desperation? Self-immolation by Tibetan protesters is becoming an all-too-familiar sight.


Dibyesh Anand considers the reasons why.

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52 Lost and found The Red Cross is painstakingly reuniting families torn apart by conflict, reports Libby Powell. 54 Syria’s Catch-22 The current conflict has deep and tangled roots,

as Tam Hussein explains. 58 Confessions of a voluntourist Helping out the locals while on holiday is a winwin situation, isn’t it? Maybe not, says Michelle Dobrovolny.

Front cover: © Swim Ink 2, LC / CORBIS. Designed by Ian Nixon. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.


J o h n

S a r a h

B o r i sH e g e r( I C R C )

Regular Features 6 Letters PLUS: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone. 18 Country Profile: Azerbaijan 50 Southern Exposure: Mohamed

Sulaiman Labat from Western Sahara. 51 Puzzle Page 60 Making Waves Ikal Angelei, winning the fight to save

Kenya’s Lake Turkana. 62 And finally... Primatologist Jane Goodall on the indomitable human spirit.

Jane Goodall Institute


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