Classic Archiv recordings, many appearing at Mid-Price for the first time. Archiv Blue is the new mid-price series from Archiv Produktion, offering a wide selection of Early Music. With its fresh, modern design, striking blue jewel cases, newly commissioned liner-notes and full sung texts, Archiv Blue rea ffirms the high standard s long assoc iated with the Archiv label. Among the initial ten releases are classic performances featuring acclaimed artists such as Trevor Pinnock, Paul McCreesh, Reinhard Goebel and Marc Minkowski, as well as David Munrow in his mile-stone Music of the Cothic Era.
I saw my lady weep gl l li!'~ r eq U iem
brandenburg concertos nos. 1 - J
2 oboe conce r tos tr e~or f)llMac
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) .S. BACH: Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1-3
2 Oboe Concertos 'I he' Engli sh C ",,,r1/lrevor PU1t10( k handel uu ater mUllic
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I SAW MY LADY WEEP DOWLAND: Songs & Lachrimae Sludi" df'r i r l lhell ,'vl u,ik/Thllm,lS F. /Ji nkl"y
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GILLES: Requiem ; CORETIE : Carillon des morts Collegium Vocale, Gellt!,l,lu,ic',l I ' l l iqua Kbln
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-~ ockeghem m1ssa • oJ J ~'h , . ; , :,jllli ch.anBOllB
oyertur e . ,1 pal'Or 110110'
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HANDEL: Water Music ; Overture " II pastor fido"
1 he Fnglish ClInccrt!lrevo r Pinnock
ode fOf st ceci l i a·s day 169 1
heinz h ol l igel camera t a ber ll r 0
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LEBRUN· MOZART: The Oboe Concertos I le inL Hollig"r/Camerala [ lcrn!Th oma, fOri
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~----------------------------------~ ~ OCKEGHEM: Missa "De plus en plus " ; Chan sons
() dJnd" COIl'ort french c an tat. s
cteJambal.lll ~uti· collincI& lII,n.os1l fluie C ODcerto.
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PURCELL: Ode for St. Cecilia's Day 1692 GJbr ic li Cumort & Plover,/Paul rl.IlCr('( ·,h
music 01 the golhi c era
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Flute Concertos Mllsica i \nliqua Kb l n/ R('inharrl Coebd
"'mu:Kilalsdu '-'"
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~--------------------------------~ ~ FRENCH CANTATAS - CLERAMBAULT . STUCK·
COLLIN DE BLAMONT Les "...I mi,.i"n, du I oll\re/~'k' rc I\"inkmvs~ i
MUSIC OF THE GOTHIC ERA Tilt: Eelrly Mu ir Consolt ni Lonc/oll civid l\t\unrO\I\'
Univ ersal Classi cs UK. 22 St Peler's Square. London. W6 9N W www.universa ldassics .com