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Literary Review | j u n e 2 0 1 2 2
f r om the p u l p i t 1 Allan Massie the human fa c t or 5 John Gray
The Social Conquest of Earth Edward O Wilson 6 Adam Zeman
Connectome: How the Brain’s Wiring Makes Us Who We Are Sebastian Seung 8 Colin Tudge
Darwin’s Ghosts: In Search of the First Evolutionists Rebecca Stott 9 Patrick Wilcken
Language: The Cultural Tool Daniel L Everett b i o g r a p hy 11 Colin Burrow
Edmund Spenser: A Life Andrew Hadfield 13 Paul Johnson
Raphael: A Passionate Life Antonio Forcellino 14 Andrew Hussey
The Boxer and the Goalkeeper: Sartre Vs Camus Andy Martin 15 Jonathan Keates
Mozart at the Gateway to His Fortune: Serving the Emperor, 1788–1791 Christoph Wolff 16 Matthew Parker
Sugar in the Blood: A Family’s Story of Slavery and Empire Andrea Stuart 17 Anne Sebba
The Baroness: The Search for Nica, the Rebellious Rothschild Hannah Rothschild h i st or y 18 Norman Stone
The Second World War Antony Beevor 19 Richard Overy
The Pursuit of the Nazi Mind: Hitler, Hess, and the Analysts Daniel Pick 21 Catherine Peters
Mrs Robinson’s Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady Kate Summerscale 22 Simon J V Malloch
Rome: An Empire’s Story Greg Woolf