
8 US denies safe haven to Mexico’s drug war refugees 9 Torture recompense comes to Kenyans 10 Feminists target Nike ahead of the

Olympics 11 Hungary’s cultural purge gathers pace 12 News in brief this month PLUS – Open Window guest cartoonist

Fadi Abou Hassan from Palestine 13 Defending Korea’s peace island PLUS – Reasons to be cheerful


UK Feminista

The Big Story – Earth Summit 2012

M u n d a y

St e p h e n


14 Sustainability for sale?

A battle is brewing over the future of global action. Danny Chivers presents the unofficial guide to Rio+20. 18 Tools that might help us – some of the more progressive ideas. 20 Eight Great

Greenwashers Exposing the canny,

the crafty and the plain deceitful. Danny Chivers examines the green claims of Shell, Monsanto, Vale and others. 25 The good life is the


realistic solution Indigenous activist Ruth Buendia’s take on ‘sustainable development’.

Features 28 Preparing the ground:

Left strategy beyond the apocalypse Richard Swift considers the fall – and future rise

– of left politics. 38 A world on workfare Governments and big business may benefit – but workfare is undermining the labour market, argues Warren Clark. 46 Gold fever A photographic journey to the heart of Ghana’s gold rush,

by Jonas Cullberg and Johannes Frandsen.


l k e rSt r a e t e r


T h a y e r/R e u t e r s

E r i c


52 When the net tightens on justice In the Abu Qatada case, Britain is undermining the rule of law. Simon Crowther explains how. 54 Falling out of love with Israel Norman Finkelstein believes American

Jews are no longer prepared to offer blanket support to Israel. He explains why.


Mixed Media 41 Neither Allah nor Master Brave, atheist, female and exiled,

Tunisia’s Nadia El Fani takes on the establishment. PLUS: Sex, secrets and Asian British comedy in All in Good Time; wending grooves from


Mali’s Sidi

Touré; Callum Robert’s crystal-clear Ocean of Life; and Radio Congo by Ben Rawlence.


t h s

G r i ffi i a n


Opinion 51 Mark Engler ‘Tired of burying black boys.’ 59 Letter from Botswana

A new birth offers a sign of hope for Lauri Kubuitsile. 61 Steve Parry

Comedy for a cause.


Regular Features 6 Letters PLUS: Scratchy Lines by Simon Kneebone. 36 Country Profile: Cook Islands 53 Making Waves Bunker Roy on harnessing granny power. 57 Puzzle Page


J o h n

S a r a h

58 Southern Exposure Paco Chuquiure from Peru. 62 And finally... British wit Jeremy Hardy on juggling performances and principles.

Mary Warren

Front cover: Stephen Munday. Magazine designed by Alan Hughes, Andrew Kokotka and Ian Nixon. All monetary values are expressed in US dollars unless otherwise noted.


Ly n c h

G r a n t l y

N ew I n t e r nat i o nal i s t ● J U N E 2 012 ● 5