Agenda Making the news this month
8 Putting the ‘I’ in ecocide 9 Act against ACTA 10 Kimberley Process ‘whitewashes’ blood diamonds 11 Lax law could kill human guinea pigs 12 News in brief this month Plus: Open Window guest cartoonist Crazy Crab from China.
/P a n o s
H a m m o n d i n
R o b
13 Cambodian drug law ‘legalizes’ appalling abuse Plus: Reasons to be cheerful
Analysis Adapt or die
26 Moves to climate-proof the planet From air-conditioned bus stops in Dubai to Meat
Safety Net programmes in Kenya: what the rest of the world is doing to defend against global warming.
28 The great climate exodus Bangladeshis are melting away from the coast as habitats degrade. Hazel Healy finds new arrivals struggling to adjust to life in Dhaka, the world’s fastest-growing megacity.
14 Ready or not Melting glaciers to the north, rising seas to the south.
Hazel Healy
Can Bangladesh adapt to a warming world? Hazel Healy travelled there to find out.
17 Why climate change poses a major threat for
Bangladesh – THE FACTS 23 Adaptable by nature The most vulnerable, the best prepared. Portraits of the inhabitants of the Jamuna river islands of northwest Bangladesh.
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