Agenda Making the news this month
8 Are Burma’s reforms for real? 9 As ANC turns 100, critics slam ‘neo-apartheid’ 10 World Social Justice Day success stories from India,
Kenya and Palestine 11 Bedouin face ‘cultural warfare’ 12 Malawi battles for press freedom 13 Why cross-border electrics are not such a bright idea
Analysis Special feature: Haiti two years on 14 Beyond relief, beyond belief Haiti is not just recovering from the
26 Occupied again The first independent country of the earthquake but from the political and economic interventions of recent decades, as Phillip Wearne explains. + Timeline: Haiti in history 20 Tents beyond tents A cartoon introduction to life in the camps in and around Port-au-Prince, by Jean Pharès Jérôme and Chevelin Pierre.
Americas – but Eduardo Galeano asks will Haiti ever be free?
28 Where did all the money go? Nick Harvey assesses the work of the
NGOs and UN agencies that have been trying to rebuild Haiti.
l/R e u t e r s
/P o o lL o e b
S a u
/P a n o s l s/B e r l i n g s k e
AC h r i s t i a n
Also in Analysis
44 Child, soldier, civilian Having handed in their weapons, former child soldiers in Colombia face a new battle – for acceptance into society. Seth Biderman reports.
50 Guns and bread Michael Lewis explores what happens when private security companies muscle in to ‘deliver aid’.
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